
Debate Info

Higher pay for victim status His pay wouldn’t increase
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Higher pay for victim status (3)
 His pay wouldn’t increase (2)

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Amarel(5669) pic

Smollett thought being a victim would get him a pay raise. Was he right?

Higher pay for victim status

Side Score: 3

His pay wouldn’t increase

Side Score: 2
1 point

You like victims Amy so why are you whining like a Little Bitch Gurl ??????????

Side: Higher pay for victim status
1 point

Bitch you are a victim !!!!!!!!!!!!! Have you not the brain power tooooooooo figure it out??????????????????????

Side: Higher pay for victim status
1 point

When the Little Bitch gets overwhelmed it has to ban those it is so scared of !!!!!! LMMFAO!!

Gurl you better grow you a set if you are going to fuck with me because i will have fun with your dumb ass !!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Higher pay for victim status
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

This is the Internet, no one is afraid of you. I just don’t like you insubstantial prattle. Provide anything substantial, and you’ll get a response rather than a ban. I’ve never seen it from you.

Side: Higher pay for victim status
1 point

His pay raise will be Bubba in prison.

Side: His pay wouldn’t increase
1 point

His behaviour was despicable and as the commentator in the piece below correctly states “it’s a slap in the face of the city that’s embraced him “

He seems like a throughly despicable piece of work , no doubt he will have his defenders using the currently favoured piece of P R bullshit saying things like “ Our client deeply regrets his grave error of judgement and offers his heartfelt apologies to those he’s injured “ etc ,etc .

Smollett's current "Empire" salary pays him $65,000 per episode, according to HuffPost. There are approximately 18 episodes per season of the hit Fox show.

Johnson strongly condemned Smollett's alleged actions, calling it "shameful" that the actor "took advantage of the pain and anger of racism to advance his career."

"As a black man who spent his entire life living in the city of Chicago, I know the racial divide that exists here," Johnson said. "I know how hard it's been for our city and our nation to come together ... How can an individual who's been embraced by the city of Chicago turn around and slap everyone in this city in the face by making these false claims?"

Side: His pay wouldn’t increase
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

Sure, but if he had pulled it off, would his pay have increased ?

Side: Higher pay for victim status
Jody(1791) Clarified
1 point

Yes , probably to any demands he made plus elevated to the latest media “ fab person status “ and all the rewards that come with that

Side: Higher pay for victim status