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 Straw To Break America’s Back (23)

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Slavedevice(1389) pic

Straw To Break America’s Back

What huge event (or string of events) would ultimately cause a true revolution, civil war, or what have you?  Mass shootings? Economic crash?  Natural Disasters?
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#ANTIFAwilldoit. Wait, don’t they hate guns? Or is that libs? I got my SJWs all mixed up.

2 points

Trump declaring himself President for life and his military cronies backing it up.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
2 points

Diaper Boy says - "Trump declaring himself President for life and his military cronies backing it up."

That is laughable because you Progressives wanted Barack Insane Obama President for Life and for you to deny it shows what a True Fool you are !

America is not weak, it can recover from just about anything. Let's rule out natural disasters and earth ending events, because they would end all countries on Earth. Let's only allow for man made disasters. I feel it would take extremely high unemployment and extremely high income inequality, even higher than it is now. This is combination with a collapsed economy and weak dollar could lead some states to leave the union. Texas and California. Now, while you may think the US military would be able to easily crush a state that wants to leave, keep in mind it would be different than toppling some Middle Eastern government. A lot of soldiers would come from the states they are ordered to invade, many military men and equipment would belong to that state, and another war in a already hostile political environment would be a mistake. So, honestly I think you can't break America completely, all the wrong things happening together could lead to a weak and fractured United States, that would look nothing like the superpower it is today. But that's just my 2 cents.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Progressive i would like to know what are man made disasters !

Jacobcoolguy(2428) Clarified
1 point

Disasters that are causes by man.

1 point

Multiculturism will break the West. Libs want a multicultural rainbow, but that is not what is happening. Groups, races & religions are just grouping together into their own societies separate from each other & hating the other groups that are not like them.

Blacks, whites, Asians, Muslims are just creating their own neighborhoods, their own mini cities away from each other, and own realities. That's not a rainbow. It's a recipe for civil war.

Not to mention the LGBT+ community. They might help break our country. We will win though because none of them like guns. We will slay them

1 point

I think there is only one thing (or class/type of thing) that would break America.

Were some part of the US Government (likely in the executive or legislative branches) to do something unconstitutional, have the Supreme Court rule it as unconstitutional, but the institution were to continue to openly do the unconstitutional thing.

It would not matter what the exact action is, were the US Constitution to be openly disregarded, it would be like somebody picking up the ball in a soccer match and throwing it into the goal. If everybody allowed it to stand as a fair point, the game would cease to be soccer.

The US Constitution is our rulebook for being a nation.