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Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 for (2)
 against (4)

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namrata16(65) pic

Technology ensures security


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 5
1 point

To commit technological crimes require a much larger investment in time than to commit normal crimes. Normal crimes are reduced via technological systems.

Hence, technology ensures a greater degree of security than without.

Side: for

Technology can produce ways to increase security, so, technology has to get its act together to stop the hackers.

Side: for

It is easier to commit a cyber-crime anonymously than to commit a physical crime.

Side: against
1 point

technology does not ensure security....i mean becoz of technology...crimes are increasing....first was the age of normal criminals..then the age of armed criminals and now the age of Cyber is not only helping us but also the criminals..

Side: against
1 point

Technology cannot ensure security, because if you can obtain it (weather it be physical or virtual), criminals can take it from you.

Side: against

If security updates, then so does crime. Criminals will always find a way to do their bidding since such protection was created by a mere man only and thus succumb to errors.

Side: against