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Makes sense There is no hell
Debate Score:47
Total Votes:48
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 Makes sense (26)
 There is no hell (16)

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Intangible(4934) pic

That if you commit sin you'll "go to hell"

1. Lust; You end up in this circle of were chances of getting disease are very high, never finding love because you think you love someone, but it's actually just sexual hormones controling your judgement.

2.Gluttony; You get fat and are not happy with yourself because of it, when you eat to much it doesn't give your body any space to remove and clear the toxins from your body because you keep stacking more and more layers of toxins on top of it so when your body needs energy it can't get this because it's just absorbing more toxins and now you are hungry and eating again because you do not have any energy and this causes depression and sevreal other physical and/or mental problems. The body and mind work as one. Another endless circle in hell.

3.Greed; You just want more and more and more and more. You start taking from those who care about and hurt them in the process. You'll go through extreme lengths to get what you want. You have your precious wealth now you can bathe in it alone for eternity.

4.Sloth; You sulk around and do nothing you realize that you havn't accomplished, you're wasting your life a way "rotting" if you will...You are to lazy to search for the truth and just stick to your own judgements and always thinking that you are right you blind yourself from reality which keeps you from finding something to do with you're life.

5.Wrath; You don't control your emotions. You lash out at anyone who says something that sounds as if it's going against your beliefs. You start needless wars. You could also direct your anger towards yourself when you think you are doing something wrong and this can lead you towards physically abusing yourself or suicide.

6.Envy; You dislike those who appear better than you. Never being satisfied with who you are. Instead of taking the steps into being who you want to be you end up taking away from those who you think are better because you think it will make you happy, but are you truly happy? 

7. Pride; You are so prideful of the things you do, that when you see something that goes against it or are convinced that something goes agasint it that you decide to take it upon your self to try and change it. This obviously causes many many endless conflicts...



My point here is that, I think there is no hell after death, but hell within your life time and this is the message that "god" was trying to give, but it was misinterpreted. 

Makes sense

Side Score: 31

There is no hell

Side Score: 16
3 points

Sure. Hell is a metaphor for the prisons our bad habits can make for us.

Side: Makes sense

The seven deadly sins? The bible never actually talks about a system of seven deadly sins. At least not together in a fashion, however the bible does make sure it implies "Hell" as something one will experience in the afterlife.

Side: Makes sense

Yeah the bible is were the misinterpretations is at which is what I was trying to imply.

I'm trying to say the misinterpretations started way back when the bible was being created.

Side: Makes sense
lolzors93(3225) Clarified
1 point

Is that why there are no contradictions in the Bible? They kept editing it to make it non-contradictory?

Side: Makes sense
lolzors93(3225) Clarified
1 point

Proverbs 6:16-19

There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.

Side: Makes sense
LizziexLaura(4278) Clarified
1 point

I figured that the seven deadly sins didnt exist in the bible. I think they were just created as a concept.

Side: Makes sense
1 point

The Bible is clear about there being an actual hell after the physical life.

Side: Makes sense

"The bible" "The bible" zzzzzzzzzzzz...................................

Side: Makes sense
2 points

I wish i could just destroy all the bibles and see peoples reaction. Would they forgive me? Or would they just shun me and show great hate towards me....contradicting the very message the bible should be giving. They think of this book so prideful....

Side: Makes sense
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Way to miss the whole critical thinking aspect of this debate.

Side: There is no hell
lolzors93(3225) Disputed
1 point

The Bible is clear that there is a hell in the afterlife.

Side: Makes sense
1 point

No hell Bro, made up shit by the powers at be, and mans fear of death, law and order, and to get the kids to obay.. It was and is a form of propaganda and only the simpletons believe that crap to this day.

Side: There is no hell
Intangible(4934) Disputed
1 point

Can you prove any of what you say or give examples?

Side: Makes sense
1 point

Well yea, proof will take a person years of research but it's all out there for us to just research, however proof in a mans need to want to understand the unknown is coded in our DNA, we humans have a tendency to want answers, humans by psychological nature tend to make shit us that we don't clearly understand, hell for example is mans need to make sense of order and to tack on consequences for wrong doing.

We as humans can never truly know what lies belong death if there is a heaven or hell, only speculation, we have no hard proof one way or another, so in turn I am lead to believe (with no proof mind you only logic and reason) that hell is nothing more then a man made concept of punishment to keep order.

Side: Makes sense
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

If you lack information yourself you can't make a good argument.

So go do some research first then come back with hopefully a better argument. :D

Side: There is no hell
1 point

Life in itself is difficult and suffering is not an exception but the prevailing norm. We don't need an imaginary charge of wrong doing against us, if we fail the basic requirements of survival that is causation then we suffer and we die. That is enough and I will rather pursue my own conscience, happiness and affection without unsubstantiated rights and wrongs.

Side: There is no hell