
Debate Info

The New Left is Crazy The New Left is correct
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:16
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 The New Left is Crazy (6)
 The New Left is correct (4)

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Amarel(5669) pic

The Authoritarian Left

Liberal Sam Harris believes there is “a kind of authoritarianism emerging on the Left, really exclusively, that is preventing free speech”.  In his podcast "Facing the Crowd" he quotes from the Economist to 

illustrate how insane the new left is. This is where ANTIFA comes from.

"Assistant professor Lucia Martinez Valdivia, who describes herself as mixed-race and queer, asked protesters not to demonstrate during her lecture on Sappho last November. Ms Valdivia said she suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and doubted her ability to deliver the lecture in the face of their opposition….After her speech, a number of them berated her, bringing her to tears.

Demonstrators said Ms. Valdivia was guilty of a variety of offences: she was a “race traitor” who upheld white supremacist principles by failing to oppose the Humanities syllabus. She was “anti-black” because she appropriated black slang by wearing a T-shirt that said, “Poetry is Lit”. She was an “ableist” because she believes trigger warnings sometimes diminish sexual trauma. She was also called a “gaslighter” for making disadvantaged students doubt their own feelings of oppression.”

According to Ms.Valdivia, many of the students “don’t believe in historicity or objective facts (they denounce the latter as being a tool of the white cisheteropatriarchy).

The New Left is Crazy

Side Score: 8

The New Left is correct

Side Score: 5

Liberal Sam Harris

I think this may change in my lifetime. I've listened to him many times. He's become a lepper simply for being a real liberal.

Side: The New Left is Crazy
2 points

It's rather scary how this anti-logic, anti-free speech movement has sprung up so quickly. In addition to these features, they are sexist against males and racist against whites. It's completely divided the left into the authoritarian identitarian racial collectivists and the libertarian individualist classical liberals opposing them. Psychological research can help us to understand these people and their motivations (Source 1).



Side: The New Left is Crazy
1 point

I'll keep my tool of the white cisheteropatriarchy. If that's what it means to rely on objective facts. These people are over the edge.

Side: The New Left is Crazy

It's not Nazism per say, but uses the exact same techniques. Of course Hitler promised the Germans socialism that he never intended on manifesting, and they followed him into the bowels of hell. Silence the opposition. Brainwash the youth. Use violence and any means neccessary. Swim in propaganda. Admonish anyone that isn't you. It's Liberal supremacy replacing Nazi supremacy. I'm not sure the difference at this point.

Side: The New Left is Crazy
1 point

There is nothing new about the Left but there is also no Left in the United States.

Side: The New Left is correct
Amarel(5669) Disputed
1 point

Well, there’s nothin Right about this group of people who identify and are identified as the left. An example of what’s new about this group is presented in the OP. Any thoughts on their “non-left” neo-Marxist perspective?

Side: The New Left is Crazy
Eloy(190) Clarified
1 point

You want me to comment about some students at a Reed College in Portland, Oregon? Why? They represent only themselves and no one else. I do not see how they have any importance beyond the campus where they are enrolled. It is bogus to use them as a phalanx of neo-Marxism in the United States. Right-wing capitalist news magazines such as The Economist can do better than this waste of ink.

Side: The New Left is Crazy

I support the left, because Amarel should have been left in a dumpster by his crack smoking tavern wench of a mother that excreted his silly ass into a dirty toilet bowl because she thought he was nothing but a constipated highly concentrated cluster of dried out ass shit and injected his crack baby brain cells with mercury and lithium to make sure he was good and stupid like everyone in his entire bloodline of degenerate simple minded neanderthals.

Side: The New Left is correct
Amarel(5669) Disputed
1 point

I guess you could say I had a difficult upbringing .

Side: The New Left is Crazy
1 point


There is a lot of truth to what you stated, although you must remember that the very vocal group does not necessarily reflect the sympathies on College Campuses at large. I think this can get lost, as most people are not currently attached to a University and thus are not directly aware of what is going on (their knowledge comes from second-hand sources).

That is, I think the best way to view an issue like this would be much like Harris's "concentric circles" argument concerning extremist Muslims and sympathizers (that got him into so much trouble with Affleck and others).

The amount of people on College campuses that would actually participate in actions such as you described is very small indeed (compared to the population of the campus), then there will be varying levels of sympathizers that have degrees of support for their actions and/or the principle behind their actions that they were acting on. Therefore, if you polled College students about these beliefs/actions/ect., you may get a quite alarming number who strongly to moderately support it (however, this does not reflect who is actually doing it--and the sympathizers are much more amenable to reason--as they tend to simply go along with the tide of the times rather than some deep-rooted conviction)

Side: The New Left is correct
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

I agree that the percent of people who would act the way students the students in question have acted is likely low. But I also believe that there is a significant portion of the population that shares their wrongheaded premises. The students are just acting on the logical conclusion of the premises when applied consistently, even if logic is a product of cisheteropatriarchy oppression. If I am correct, then it is a matter of time before more people shift in that direction. They are held back only by their cognitive dissonance.

Side: The New Left is Crazy
1 point


But I also believe that there is a significant portion of the population that shares their wrongheaded premises. The students are just acting on the logical conclusion of the premises when applied consistently, even if logic is a product of cisheteropatriarchy oppression.

Yes, to people who haven't really looked into it much, it "rings true" or "feels right". This is the significant problem with Neo-Marxism since it highly over-generalizes based on some ideas that do in fact have merit. This becomes highly problematic as they tend not to see the forest for the trees (although they think they are--and the issue they are getting caught up on are factoids here and there regarding "oppressed/marginalized groups", ect.).

I will say though, it seems more people begin to "wake up" to this as the actions of the Neo-Marxist activists become ever increasingly ridiculous/contemptible (and in many cases personal--as official policies and such are changed, ect.)

Side: The New Left is correct