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 The US birth rate hits record lows. Not enough babies born to sustain America's retirees. (7)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

The US birth rate hits record lows. Not enough babies born to sustain America's retirees.

How many times do we hear the Left talk about abortion being good to control over population? The truth here in America is that abortion is creating an under population of the very people we need to keep our nation solvent.

Abortion for convienence has created a vacuum of the workers and tax payers needed to keep America growing. There are not enough people being born to support our retirees, or our economy.

So what happens when the minimum interest payments on our national debt can no longer be made from lack of tax revenue?

This must be why the Democrat Party of No Restriction abortions is so weak when it comes to allowing illegal immigrants into this nation. They seem to be ok with abortion on demand killing even viable American citizens, and replacing them with foreign workers.

One of the many problems with this insanity is that illegal immigrants do not pay income tax, so this is why you hear those on the Left saying to let them in but tax them
The Left's answer to their No Restriction abortion policies is to replace American workers with Mexicans, Latinoes, Hispanics, etc. etc.

In the animal kingdom, they do not abort their offspring out of convienence, so there's a natural order to populations within their species.

When it comes to mankind, the new age Progressive Feminist mindset has over ridden this natural order to life, and has made  reproductivity a choice rather than a natural design.

When man play's God, it never ends well.
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3 points

Don't worry Fromwithin, I'm working on it right now.

Phew, this is exhausting, but I suppose we all have to do our bit to save thew nation.

Next please.

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

Thanks, I'm sure your children will be greatful for saving them from terrible futures.

Out of curiosity, how did you solve the huge national debt problem that we can no longer afford? There will be no big American banks to bail out everyone.

So what happens when there are no longer enough people to fund the ponzey scheme of Social security that tax payers paid into all their lives?

These corrupt politicians stole from the Social security money, to pay for all their other pet social program vote getters.

1 point

It's a good first step to getting away from the idiotic consumerism that just sucks down resources with no regard for the future. It won't hurt America to actually learn what a budget is. that'll actually happen.

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

You are correct. America will never worry about it's budget until there are enough conservatives to cut the debt spending.

Liberals have created this socialistic no accountability entitlement mentality whereby everyone believes they are entitled to other's money.

The Liberal politicians brag about how much they spend to give to their voting blocks.

They constantly demonize Conservaties as hating the poor when trying to cut spending.

Atrag(5666) Banned
0 points

Didn't read anything you said here. I assume it's the same as always.

Logically though.. You are advocating more spastics being born which will have a negative effect on the economy. Not the right argument for you really is it.

jeffreyone(1383) Disputed
0 points

You are a gay and will naturally feel offended by the topic without going through the argument.

You're selfish, stupid, n mentally ill

jeffreyone(1383) Clarified
1 point


0 points

You don't need a high birth rate to sustain the labor force. You just increase immigration. Now the problem isn't about birth rates, it becomes how to handle the challenges of a rapidly changing demographic of people with a diverse range of languages, cultures, religions, backgrounds, etc.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point longer-german/

Your logic rates right up their with Europe's. Every nation must have immigration laws to protect their culture and values. Taking in the those who refuse to assymillate is the quickest road to anarchy.