
Debate Info

Yes, yes Pedophilia is okay
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Yes, yes (2)

Debate Creator

brontoraptor(28596) pic

The left and Islam. Ask an ex Muslim atheist, shall we?

Yes, yes

Side Score: 2

Pedophilia is okay

Side Score: 0
1 point

Hello bront:

IF you believed in the Constitution, the title of your debate would be The RIGHT and Islam..

But, you DON'T.

Given what we know about the orange man, looks like you'd rather see the Russians running things around here.. That's kinda TRAITOROUS, doncha think??


Side: Yes, yes
BigOats(1449) Disputed
1 point

He titled the debate "the left and Islam" from which you've derived that he would rather "see the Russians running things around here". Reason? The orange man!

Beautifil logic there Sir!

Side: Yes, yes
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