
Debate Info

He IS Even the dems don't want him
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 He IS (2)
 Even the dems don't want him (2)

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excon(18262) pic

Trump SCREWS the right wing and makes deal with Pelosi and Shumer. He IS a lib isn't he?


Side Score: 2

Even the dems don't want him

Side Score: 2
1 point

He IS A Russian operative not a LIB ! Oh the confusion is an amazing thing to watch with you COMMIES !

Side: He IS
1 point

Trump is a pragmatic leader, who will employ those who can help him succeed in making his vision for America become reality. As for conservative and liberal, he is both and neither.

Side: He IS
1 point

One deal doesn't make you a card carrying member of the other side.

What it does show though, which some of us have said repeatedly, is that he will say and do anything at all to get his way. He has no loyalty to anyone or anything besides money.

Side: Even the dems don't want him

I love it. If he goes right, he's a racist hater. If he jukes left, he's a traitor. One day he's a racist white supremacist. The next, he's a liberal. Did they teach you this crap in the Leftist Bible Handbook?

Side: Even the dems don't want him