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Debate Score:28
Total Votes:32
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Grenache(6053) pic

Trump lies bigger and more often than Clinton

This does indeed acknowledge they both lie.  But Trump takes the cake - and then tells you no, Clinton took it.


Side Score: 17


Side Score: 11
3 points

There's a difference between politicians trying to cover their butts and talking heads constantly spinning yarns of conspiracy and finger pointing and bravado. Trump will often make claims with little or no reference, or a reference like a tabloid, or a personal encounter or eyewitness event others don't corroborate. And he reverses himself constantly.

In fact, try this. Find 5 claims he has made against Clinton, then ask yourself if Clinton made a mirror opposite claim back to him with the same basic level of evidence he uses what would you think? If she said he created ISIS, or Trump Foundation was a money/power launder front, or he's just playing the white man card, or even that he was a corrupt businessman, etc, how ridiculous would all those sound and how hard would you be on her for throwing those claims out there? Heck, there are claims he makes about her which in reverse toward him may actually be true (like the corrupt businessman) yet you're willing to take his smears as facts at face value.

Side: Yes
instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

The US and Saudi both funded ISIS originally, that's not a lie but a fact.

Side: No
2 points

I would explain why, but John Oliver did a better job than I could. Watch the video -- even if you disagree (i.e you are wrong about something), it's funny.

Side: Yes
1 point

My husband was just talking about this today, it's pretty darn interesting

I think this is the main link

Or at least A link, this one may be more to the point

Side: Yes
3 points

Hillary Clinton has been lying for at least 30 years. When Trump runs for president all of a sudden he is a bigger liar than Hillary. Wonderful Democrat talking point you have there Democrat. Where did you get your marching orders from ?

Side: No
Grenache(6053) Disputed
1 point

Hillary after 30 years has never been convicted of a crime and has served in Washington three times in three different capacities, which one would think was impossible were she the lieing crook conservatives portray.

Side: Yes
DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

Trump has never been convicted of a crime. Hillary only knows to lie that is all she knows to do. Did a Right Wing conspiracy put Bill's cum on Monica's blue dress ? Did a Right Wing conspiracy make her lie about the movie that caused the attack on Libya ?

The Clinton Foundation has made Bill and Hillary rich. 100 million made by the Clinton's for speeches that last what 20 minutes. The Clinton's have sold access to their power and you can bet they are crooks.

Side: No
DBCooper(2194) Disputed
0 points

You are a Democrat and not to bright as your post shows and written by you. Trump lies bigger and more often than Clinton.

Confirmation has been made by you a Democrat that Clinton lies. Do all Democrats show support for a known liar as you have shown Hillary to be ?

Side: No
2 points

Lie: an intentionally false statement.

You have to be interested in what the truth is to be intentionally false. Trump doesn't lie, he doesn't actually care about the truth at all.

Side: No
Grenache(6053) Disputed
2 points

Although an amusing answer there is just no way to gloss over the fact Trump has diarrhea of the mouth. And his tendency to reverse himself when it is politically advantageous defeats the claim he doesn't really know what's true. He knows what it is enough to be able to change what he said to harness the winds of the moment. People who have no idea about it would just let their blunders stand.

Side: Yes
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

He says exactly what people want to hear.When someone shows disappointment in what he says he reverses it.

Side: No