
Debate Info

I'm with her I'm sexist
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:13
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 I'm with her (2)
 I'm sexist (6)

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Akarnisian(7) pic

Trump vs Clinton 2016

I'm with her

Side Score: 2

I'm sexist

Side Score: 7
1 point

I'm not for Clinton, I'm against Trump. At least with Clinton you know she can already work on the world stage and she isn't likely to launch a WWIII. Trump meanwhile is a maniac, alienating our allies and getting the praise of our rivals, insulting large social groups, saber rattling, cheating both regular citizens and on his taxes, spewing inflammatory statements before his team can gather information and advise him, and so obnoxiously fixated on himself it's repugnant. The skeletons in Trumps closet vastly eclipse those in Clinton's and the Clintons' have already had their dirty laundry aired for decades without it taking them down. Trump can't survive that same level of scrutiny.

And like someone said on a separate debate thread, if the Republicans and/or conservatives didn't want Clinton to win then they should have done a better job of fielding a competitive candidate. Give me an alternative. Come on. Give me a real alternative. Not just some other maniac a few notches saner than Trump. Somebody truly of Presidential caliber.... Got anyone? No, of course not. You shot the sane members of your side in the back. You're stuck with Trump, which means you're stuck with Clinton.

Side: I'm with her
0 points

She is for equality and she is with LGBTQIA+!!!!!!!!!!!! Donald Duck would take us backwards!!!

Side: I'm with her
jolie(9809) Banned
2 points
Side: I'm sexist
Grenache(6053) Clarified
1 point

What actually happened there is a phlebotomist invited her to lunch at Olive Garden (so naturally she accepted, after all, it's a real licensed phlebotomist) but the phlebotomist was really working undercover for the Center for Medical Progress, and the CMP sleuth recommended the Bambino special and Hillary took the bait.

Side: I'm with her
1 point

I don't women in the armed forces, or further gun control, or Abortion to be encouraged. I don't want Illegals in my country, and I don't want someone who picks their cabinet for diversity reasons....So Sue me.

Side: I'm sexist
1 point

Killary is Lying Criminal that is bought and paid for by Muslims !

Side: I'm sexist
0 points

I'm in the Bernie or Bust camp and it doesn't make me sexist.

Side: I'm sexist
0 points

I'm Bernie or Bust too. All the way. But if I wasn't for him i would vote Jill Stein of the Green Party. So not sure how I'm sexist for that

Side: I'm sexist
0 points

I like Hillary better. However, I do think I am a bit sexist, because I think most girls act like grown children ... or retards with their stuffed animals and delusions. Furthermore, I think society treats them as such by showering them with praise ... even when they are cunts. Or perhaps I'm a realist.

But definitely, Trump would probably be better at creating jobs. Hillary, she cares more about the long term.

Side: I'm sexist