
Debate Info

Yes but but... Obama is worse!!
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:10
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 Yes (5)
 but but... Obama is worse!! (1)

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Atrag(5666) pic

Trumps Golf 74th Golf Trip: Is His Lying Disgusting?


Side Score: 7

but but... Obama is worse!!

Side Score: 2
2 points

It's horrendous.

Let me add, however, there is a rumour on the internet (and around for months now, not just recent) that he has a mistress in Florida and sleeps with her instead of Melania. Lots of these golf trips tie to seeing the mistress (allegedly). Which is and of itself horrendous (the cheating, the lieing, the sticking taxpayers with the bill while his property turns a profit) but at least makes a little more sense out of why it is happening.

Side: Yes
1 point

He does less damage to the country on Sundays and other days when he's on the golf course .... or ... whatever. I wish he'd stay there! Maybe we could get something done FOR the REAL people.

Side: Yes
1 point

He's a disgusting piece of shit who I hope will soon be frog marched off to prison for the rest of his life.

Side: Yes
1 point

It's scandalous , and even worse he plays golf when a benifit concert is going on for victims of a Hurricane ......

No doubt there will be the usual " alternative facts " as in an attempt to justify the lazy fucks disgraceful disrespect for the office he holds ; is it surprising that a draft dodger like Trump would put himself first ?

From the Independent.......

Donald Trump has reportedly played golf on one of every four days of his presidency, prompting fresh accusations the President is taking too much time off.

It came after it emerged Mr Trump chose to stay at one of his golf resorts rather than attend a benefits concert for communities affected by Hurricanes Maria, Irma and Harvey.

Barack Obama, George W Bush, Bill Clinton, George HW Bush and Jimmy Carter appeared on stage together at the event promoting “The One America Appeal”.

The current President spent much of the weekend at his golf course in Virginia and recorded a video message that was played to the concert audience in Texas.

It was reportedly his 75th appearance on the grounds of one of his golf courses since he entered the White House in January.

Mr Trump has been US President for 275 days, meaning that he has played golf every 3.7 days on average.

American actor Chris Evans, who is a regular critic of Mr Trump, said in a Twitter post: "He's played golf roughly once every 4 days of his presidency.

Former presidents join to help hurricane victims as Trump plays golf

"Think about that. It's insane. I even rounded the [numbers] in his favour."

Mr Trump repeatedly criticised Barack Obama for taking too much time off work, but has himself come under fire for spending time playing golf.

It was reported in the summer that Mr Trump had taken more than three times as many holiday days as his predecessor.

The US Secret Service has reportedly spent at least $137,505 (£105,178) renting golf carts to protect the President at his private clubs.

Side: Yes
1 point

He spends more time playing golf and crying about how people call him out on things then he spends time running this country. No matter what, in his mind he's never at fault, it's always "false news" if it's against him but the moment he spreads lies and misinformation he's brushes it aside.

Side: Yes
2 points

But her emails!

Side: but but... Obama is worse!!