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For the Motion Against the Motion
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 For the Motion (4)
 Against the Motion (1)

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xMathFanx(1722) pic

UFO's are Real

Are UFO's real?  If so, is this indicative of an Alien Spacecraft visiting planet Earth with the intent to observe human behavior and/or abduct humans for experimentation?  Are the Governments of the world aware of such an Alien presence and keeping it a secret from the general public?


For the Motion

Side Score: 6

Against the Motion

Side Score: 1
2 points

UFOs definitely exist, but I have seen absolutely 0 evidence that extraterrestrials have visited earth. Saying aliens don't exist in the universe is even more stupid than a 16th century explorer who has never seen the amazon saying that no undocumented species exist in the amazon. But actual E.T contact with earth is a different matter entirely.

First of all I think life is even more rare than most scientists think, because the commonly referred to drake equation doesn't take into account the fact that most solar systems are binary, part of a cluster, and closer to the center of galaxies, so they are much more chaotic and unstable with a more intense radiological climate.

Second of all if you see a UFO it's probably a secret government aircraft rather than extraterrestrial in origin. I deem it highly probable that governments (particularly the US government) have hyped up the idea of alien UFOs so that if any of their secret aircraft black projects are detected by civilians the first thing they will think is "OMG aliens" and even when a simple civilian drone is spotted by the average person they often are freaked out and think it's a UFO so that would definitely work as a cover.

Take Roswell for example, I think it's much more likely that it was a secret government craft that crashed and the " alien UFO cover up" idea was pushed by the government to cover up their own black project.

Side: For the Motion
xMathFanx(1722) Clarified
1 point


First of all I think life is even more rare than most scientists think, because the commonly referred to drake equation doesn't take into account the fact that most solar systems are binary, part of a cluster, and closer to the center of galaxies, so they are much more chaotic and unstable with a more intense radiological climate.

There is huge disagreement amongst scientists about how present life is throughout the Universe. Some like Carl Sagan viewed the Universe as teeming with life while others think that we may be the first life in the history of the Universe.

For the Drake Equation, the individual variables that contribute to the result are still so "up in the air"/uncertain that huge amounts of bias enter in either way when one assigns numbers to such variables. Thus, this renders it nearly useless (although it is a laudable effort at achieving a "ball-park" figure).

Second of all if you see a UFO it's probably a secret government aircraft rather than extraterrestrial in origin. I deem it highly probable that governments (particularly the US government) have hyped up the idea of alien UFOs so that if any of their secret aircraft black projects are detected by civilians the first thing they will think is "OMG aliens" and even when a simple civilian drone is spotted by the average person they often are freaked out and think it's a UFO so that would definitely work as a cover.

This I find interesting. Although in some/a far few cases I think it is possible that people are simply mistaking airplanes, ect. as a UFO, I also tend to think that there is no real reason to suppose that people aren't just seeing things more generally that really lack basis. We know how faulty peoples perception of reality is and how their "worldview" bias enters in, so if one operates in their daily life thinking that UFO's are indicative of an Alien Spacecraft coming here to observe us, and then one thinks they see something "strange" one day, then their mind is going to grab for answers based on their "knowledge" of the world.

Also, I don think you were suggesting anything technologically far superior to most with your discussion of secret government aircraft, however if one were to posit the notion that the government has tech that is far superior to that the public ever is allowed to typically see, there are some real problems with that line of reasoning (although it is often invoked by UFO/Alien Flying Saucer believers as to be an indication of "alien technology")

Side: For the Motion
Nomenclature(1257) Clarified
1 point

There is huge disagreement amongst scientists about how present life is throughout the Universe.

There is huge disagreement amongst scientists about how life originated on Earth, you pointless, narcissistic imbecile. Not agreeing with your version, which has been tested hundreds of times and has failed hundreds of times, does not make someone a conspiracy theorist who believes in ancient aliens.

Side: For the Motion
2 points

Have you ever seen something in the sky, but don't know what it is?

You have just found your proof for the existence of UFOs.

A UFO is an "Unidentified Flying Object".

All that means is that there is something in the sky, and you don't know what it is.

Side: For the Motion
1 point


Have you ever seen something in the sky, but don't know what it is?

You have just found your proof for the existence of UFOs.

A UFO is an "Unidentified Flying Object".

All that means is that there is something in the sky, and you don't know what it is


Side: For the Motion
1 point

Are objects spotted in the air which the observer cannot identify? Yes. Then by definition there are unidentified flying objects.

Are those objects from outer space? I don't know. Maybe some are. Maybe others are military or weather balloons or weather phenomenon. Personally I'm probably never going to know. There's the official explanation and the conspiracy explanation and either way it's second hand by the time I hear it.

Side: For the Motion
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