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Debate Score:19
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LadyLinkstar(415) pic

Is it bad I just heard about stuff like this ? woe, is me.

whisperWanna hear a ship I made for Saintnow?

Its fromwithin X Saintnow. You can make up names for this. Like WithinSaint. whisper

1 point

Fucking sexijst homophobic scum!!! Don't talk bad about gay people. Fucking cis white hetero sexual male!!!!!!!!!!!11iupoewjpqwaoj

IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
1 point

You need to refine your persona a bit more. Maybe add a touch of nuance and subtlety..

SJWman(13) Disputed
1 point

Your just an asshole misogynist who doesn't stand for women's rights!!..................................oh and your homophobic and racist...........................................................and transphobic!!!

The left works overtime to marginalize those they disagree with and this is just another example of it. You're dumb, you're ignorant, you're a knuckle-dragging neanderthal, you have a mental illness etc., I see it all the time from liberals. They are as bigoted as the come. To paraphrase William F Buckly, Jr.:

Liberals are open to the arena of ideas until they realize there actually are other ideas outside their own. Then they lash out at you and call you names for dare having ideas that don't conform to theirs.

3 points

I love when people insult people in order to demonstrate to people that it is wrong to insult people.

1 point

First I clicked each link and then I did my own Google search on the topic. The first 5 screens of links all produce either conservative blog sites or right wing publications. Which to me says this isn't really news news, it's trumped up news for the right to rally behind. If you do have a link which ties back directly to the study instead of the spin about the study I'd like to see it so I can read the study.

Regarding whether homophobia actually is a mental illness, I don't buy that. I don't agree with labelling a particular side of any socio-political issue as mentally ill.

However, if this or other studies were to say the extremity of a person's position (on anything) ties to some sort of mental condition then I would totally buy that. And that goes for right or left wing positions. Taking just one or a handful of positions as far as you possibly can take it is obsessive, often vindictive, and usually is accompanied by a total lack of empathy for anyone that disagrees. That is not healthy.

Nope. I just found them and wanted to see fi anybody had any thoughts on it.

Grenache(6053) Clarified
1 point

Interesting. Then so far no one seems to have turned up the actual study. Makes me doubt there really is one.

1 point

Y'all do realize that as sinners, we all deserve to die now, right? Every moment of time outside of Hell is a gift from God we do not deserve and cannot earn. Ya'll see the plain simple truth of reality, right?

Oh, as for the links of the that necessary? I don't need to study arguments supporting or opposing sin to know sin is wrong and self-destructive as well as destructive to the people touched by the sinner.

1 point

A homophobe is a person who is afraid to bend over or lay down to allow homosexuals to take gratuitous pleasures on the body of the homophobe, while in their hypocrisy they say they support the right of homosexuals to do whatever they want with their bodies. In their hypocrisy, they are both afraid to say homosexuality is wrong and they are afraid to prove they really support homosexual action by giving themselves over to the pleasures of perverts. They hope that by proudly declaring they do not condemn homosexual action, the homos will be appeased and not rape them. Too bad it doesn't help Syrian refugees who get gang raped by homos.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

That's not what a homophobe is. You described a straight person. You seem to have very vivid thoughts about the precise actions homosexuals do in the bedroom, and you don't like to see women look sexual. Interesting.

1 point

They can go neck themselves.