
Debate Info

Schumer and Pelosi Trump
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Schumer and Pelosi (3)
 Trump (2)

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excon(18262) pic

WHO shut down the government???? WHO needs to cave?

Schumer and Pelosi

Side Score: 3


Side Score: 2
1 point

It is pretty shameful how many of those idiots in Congress either could not be bothered to read the job description in the US Constitution, or are just too dense to understand it.

Just because Trump says he wants particular text in legislation, does not mean that he has any control over it. Congress has not passed the bill and put it on his desk, so he has had no opportunity to pass or veto. The law is VERY clear. It cannot possibly be Trump who has caused the current shutdown.

If Congress puts a bill on his desk and he vetoes it, THEN and ONLY then would he be shutting down the government.

Congress cannot get their act together, and that is on the shoulders of EVERYBODY in Congress, not just Schumer and Pelosi. They need to put on their big boy and big girl panties, pass a spending bill based on what THEY agree the spending requirements are, and then deliver it to Trump.

At that point, the president actually DOES become responsible for the outcome of either signing or vetoing the bill.

Seriously, the US Constitution is a short document, and Article 1 is not particularly complex or confusing. I am amazed at how many people in the US, including politicians, reporters, pundits, voters, and people who post on the internet just cannot be bothered to know the most basic rules that govern passing bills into law (or not.)

Side: Schumer and Pelosi
mrcatsam(663) Clarified
1 point

I absolutely agree. But it's not Schumer and Pelosi's fault s anymore than it is Mitch McConnell and the Senate Republican majority (correct me if I'm wrong on any of this, I am not very familiar with this issue).

It saddens me that politicians think that they can gamble the well-being of federal workers simply to prove a point. This should simply not be allowed. Trump should not be able to make these kinds of decisions against the entirety of the Congress.

Side: Schumer and Pelosi
marcusmoon(576) Clarified
1 point

Trump should not be able to make these kinds of decisions against the entirety of the Congress.

He cannot. He is waiting for a bill, just like everybody else.

Side: Schumer and Pelosi

Trump shut down the government in order to get Democrats to provide us the barrier they promised before he became President. So they should keep a promise for once.

Side: Trump
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Trump shut down the government in order to get Democrats to provide us the barrier they promised

Hello again, N:

So, how's that working out for the great negotiator??? DUDE! Looks like he got OUTNEGOTIATED by a liberal WOMAN..


Side: Schumer and Pelosi
marcusmoon(576) Disputed
1 point

Trump shut down the government

Nope. Not even sort of.

Read the US Constitution. Hell, just read Article 1, Section 7. The President of the US has no power over bills, including appropriations bills, until they are passed by both houses of Congress, at which time he can sign or veto, and becomes responsible for the shutdown if he vetoes.

Side: Schumer and Pelosi