
Debate Info

WAR!!! Peace..
Debate Score:62
Total Votes:71
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 WAR!!! (30)
 Peace.. (15)

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Joel_Mathews(2284) pic

War or Peace

With terrorist's attacks almost every month... Should we establish peace or war?


Side Score: 43


Side Score: 19
2 points

Your debate options are screwed up. When facing terrorists, especially radical Islamic terrorists, the choices we have do not include peace.

Side: WAR!!!
Jace(5211) Clarified
1 point

Obviously we need to counter a military threat accordingly, but that does not preclude simultaneously pursuing peaceful options such as food aid, medical assistance, etc. to sway local and regional demographics to our favor. To be fair, perhaps you just got pulled into the false dichotomy of the debate framework?

Side: WAR!!!
2 points

If only it were that simple. Your somewhat naive question implies that all we have to do is choose peace and it will magically sweep across the troubled countries of the world.

Side: WAR!!!

When we say peace we are exclaiming out loud we are weak, we need to attack those who attack us.

Debate 1: When dealing with Muslims

Muslims will forever hate America because we helped Israel after World War 2 to give them a home after the Nazis destroyed it. We helped Israel to stay alive when the Muslims (Who in their Koran say to kill all Christians, Jews etc) They are also jealous of our wealth. So when 9/11 occurred we had full right to attack because if we kept at peace then they would have attacked again. The Muslims will forever hate America and we can't do anything about it besides to keep taking down the Extremists that want our America to be taken down. They also attack themselves by causing explosions within Israel, Syria, Aphganistah, Pakistan etc.

Debate 2: Communists

Even though they haven't been a extreme threat since the USSR dissolved. We need to protect our freedom before it is taken by a bunch of Socialist Police State Lovers

Debate 3: Anything else

They chose to attack us for a reason and knowing mankind, they will not stop until they get what they want, surrender, or die.

Side: WAR!!!
Jace(5211) Disputed
2 points

Debate 1

Not all Muslims hate America. Those Muslims who do hate America do so for more reasons than our support of Israel. I am fairly certain our long standing military, firearms dealing, and financial interventions in the predominantly Muslim Middle-East have also had an effect. It is fairly apparent that the U.S. has exploited and controlled the region to benefit from its resources, and were it not for the present fallout from those actions those actions were arguably defensible and even justifiable. It does leave us in a predicament of at least partially earned resentment compounded by popular religious radicalism (which, let's be fair, other faiths have had their fair share of). While it is necessary to defend ourselves through military intervention at present, it is hardly a long term solution in and of itself unless you intend to nuke the entire region and slaughter millions of non-militant people. That radical Muslims also attack people in the Middle-East is something we should and to a very limited extent have been taking advantage of; it is an opportunity for us to insert ourselves as a productive rather than opportunistic and/or destructive force in the region. Providing aid to the common, non-combatant in the form of food, medical, water, and other assistance is in our own interest because it fosters less resentment and cuts off the feed which radical Islam relies upon to acquire its fighters.

Debate 2

Domestic communists have never posed any significant threat to the U.S.; there is a reason your sentiment has been commonly relegated in history as "The Red Scare". Yes, we had national enemies who were communist but that hardly makes every communist individual or even nation an inherent threat. We have had and continue to have allies who are more communistic than free market; economic philosophy alone does not make an inherent enemy.

Debate 3

You treat enemies like they are totally finite and act like our own actions cannot create more enemies. Exclusively throwing our military at everything is not going to make us safer in the long run.

Side: Peace..
Jace(5211) Clarified
1 point

Hey, nice argument downvote.

Side: WAR!!!
0 points

Muslims will forever hate America because we helped Israel after World War 2 to give them a home after the Nazis destroyed it. We helped Israel to stay alive when the Muslims (Who in their Koran say to kill all Christians, Jews etc) They are also jealous of our wealth. So when 9/11 occurred we had full right to attack because if we kept at peace then they would have attacked again. The Muslims will forever hate America and we can't do anything about it besides to keep taking down the Extremists that want our America to be taken down. They also attack themselves by causing explosions within Israel, Syria, Aphganistah, Pakistan etc.

- The evidence is true... BUT, you are being racist by grouping ALL the muslims as one.. Not all muslims have guns and become terrorist.. I have Muslim friends and I don't see them burning down my school or killing people.. Everyone is at war because everyone thinks differently. If everyone thought the same, we would ALL be robots with NO life.

Side: Peace..
1 point

Because those Muslims are not following their Koran to its fullest. Thus meaning they are not true Muslims.

Side: WAR!!!
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

Islam is a religion, a Muslim is a person of any race following that religion.......though if I recall correctly, the Krapan teaches that only an Arab can truly be Muslim..... Islam teaches that there must be a worldwide bloodbath to usher in the coming of the Muslim messiah, and the real leaders of Islam in all of it's sects are pushing for it through terrorism and supporting terrorists, aligning themselves with communists, all gearing up for the Battle of Armageddon exactly as foretold by the Bible thousands of years ago.

Side: Peace..
1 point

Honestly, I'd rather split their atoms.

Side: WAR!!!
1 point

They've already declared war on us so we have a choice to sit back and let them invade and kill or fight back.

Side: WAR!!!

I choose peace.. Maybe if we show that we are at peace, then they will stop attacking us..

Side: Peace..
Jace(5211) Disputed
3 points

Ha. Haha. Hahahahahahahahaha. Are you serious?

Side: WAR!!!
1 point

Yes, I am serious. We go to war only if someone starts it.. Example: Boy A and boy B are at peace.. If boy A punched boy B, of course boy B will hit back in self- defence!!! Duh

Side: Peace..
1 point

If one doesn't hit, the other won't hit! See? If one hits then the other will hit.. see?

Side: Peace..
2 points

That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. When someone attacks they do it for wealth, land, oil etc. And they chose to attack us.

Side: WAR!!!
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
2 points

That's an excellent plan. Why don't you go to the middle east now and show them how peaceful you are? Give them a hug.

Side: Peace..
1 point

Peace is often the outcome of war or military intervention

Side: Peace..
Jace(5211) Clarified
1 point

... often?

Side: WAR!!!
1 point

That is completely NOT true! Where is your evidence that backs up this statement of yours??

Side: WAR!!!
1 point

Every war that has ever occurred? XD (SPACE FILLER SPACE FILLER)

Side: WAR!!!

War should always be averted. Peace is beautiful. Peace will save our planet.

Side: Peace..
2 points

While indeed war should be averted sometimes it is very much necissary.

Side: WAR!!!
1 point

peace is what they don't want... war is what they want.


if you answer "war", then you are giving into the terrorists.


we should treat them like the criminals and outlaws that they are and put them in prison.

Side: Peace..
Jace(5211) Disputed
2 points

What if we cannot catch them? What if catching them instead of killing them means invading another country that will not turn them over to us or cannot catch them itself? What if we lose more of our own nationals trying to catch them than it would cost to kill them? Do you really think capturing and imprisoning an entire army is viable? Do you think we could do it, and if we did could we sustain the financial toll? Do you think we could survive the diplomatic fallout of sentencing large numbers of foreign nationals under our domestic laws which hold no jurisprudence over them?

Fighting militarized groups that are attacking us or our interests is not giving in to them. Letting ourselves be attacked or invaded would be. Being ruled by our fear would be a concession as well.

Side: WAR!!!

Jace, you took the words right out of my mouth. (SPACE FILLER)

Side: WAR!!!
skyfish(276) Clarified
1 point

isis is est at 20K


us prison population is approx.


According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), 2,266,800 adults were incarcerated in U.S. federal and state prisons, and county jails at year-end 2011


i think it's doable.

Side: WAR!!!
Winterlady(4) Disputed
1 point

How do you put thousands of people in prison? At last count I believe nine countries were bombing ISIS and still they can't be brought to their knees. So how do you even catch them to put them in prison?

Side: WAR!!!
1 point

You establish peace by winning the war and making it clear that anybody who wants to fight with you is going to lose big seems like people don't have the brains or the guts anymore to stand up for freedom. I am for peace, but until it is forever undeniably established on Earth by Jesus Christ Himself as the KING OF KINGS on His throne of Mt. Zion, there is going to be war and if you don't say "give me liberty or give me death" you do not deserve liberty....but I'll still fight to protect your liberty if I can.

Side: Peace..