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 Was "God" our first Alien Visitor? (2)

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WhereIsTruth(3) pic

Was "God" our first Alien Visitor?

90% of the world believes in some supreme being.  Which means that approximately 6 billion of us today worship on "faith" to lead our lives through some moral infrastructure.  We pray, ask for forgiveness and meditate to a "God" for which we have no evidence of his (or her) existence.  That in its purest form is "faith".  Is it truly "faith" or perhaps a long forgotten visitor that came to us from another home in our universe and laid a foundation of belief, science and culture that has long been forgotten...  except his name... "God".  Science fiction, perhaps?  Well, consider some circumstantial evidence.  When people pray and worship most look toward the heavens and speak with "God" who can't be seen.  Why do we look up?  Is God in spirit all around us or is the posture of looking toward the stars more symbolistic of how, perhaps, he and his people left us thousands of years ago.  There are thousands of examples of what appear to be "aircraft" or "spaceships" that have been drawn, sculptured and created in ancient text, that have no known meaning for most scholars today.  How could civilizations around the world create such images with no known concept of space flight as far as we know...  yet many aspects of miracles originate from the heavens such as tremendous lights, appearing angels, booming voices, bright stars, falling brimstone.  Was "God" a Christopher Columbus of his time?  When he arrived, did he teach us our morality? Was he able to perform miracles? Heal the sick? Punish those who may have attacked him?

If you lived thousands of years ago and an alien band of travelers landed on earth and gave you a moral structure to live, love and help each other, if this alien culture had advanced biological powers to heal the sick to perform what we call today "miracles"...  and only ask one thing in return from us...  "don't forget us" (which over the years could have been misconstrued as "worship"), and then left, could a culture OR cultures create their own interpretations of those events?  Developing a sense of remembrance?  Prayer?  A series of rituals practiced to this day which look into the heavens and speak with "God" for comfort...  a time in our existence that as a race of human beings, we felt comforted for the first time and long for his return.

If "God" was a traveler, he may be long dead along with all of his followers.  And if there comes a time when we reach to the stars and happen to find another alien world that follows a strikingly similar parallel of belief in "God" or find his name written on some ancient alien stone, will organized religion rejoice in the evidence that "God" did create all that is living or perhaps was it another stop on his journey back home?

What do you believe?

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I believe that we should stop having arguments concerning God, or Divine Providence. It will just amount to insults and anger and no one will have convinced the other of their belief.

On a different note, I found out yesterday that all 50 states in the Union recognize God/ a Supreme Being in their constitutions.

Very good. I can't agree with cicero, his argument amounts to good people may as well do nothing. You raise good points, perhaps I can complicate the situation further :)

It isn't necessary for the god to have left the planet; we have evidence of giants, the usage of advanced technology spread over centuries, and word of mouth regarding an assortment of encounters regarding all sorts of beings.

On a slightly different note, perhaps a god came to earth, multiplied and left. In our current form, we have access to genetic enhancement, it stands to reason that a more advanced being may possess the tools to splice between species (if not procreate).

In any case we understand that there is need to search out new meaning. Primitive, burning dogma can't possibly serve us anymore. I'm proud to state I'm evolved beyond the need for the belonging that witch hunting can provide. Our search for truth now leads us into the final frontier to be explored in the third dimention, space, and upon exhausting every unknown, we may finally realize the answer is as un/attainable in our own backyard as it is in the event horizon of a black hole :)

Side: Me go to bank now