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brontoraptor(28596) pic

We should elect someone the left hates more than Trump in 2024

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2 points

Ben Shapiro.

The reason the left hates him is due to his completely untouchable debating strategy. He embodies what the general Republican wants: Someone to say it like it is, and to actually make promises to the country that will be kept, or made progress on.

The Conservatives thought that Trump would be that individual, but it's true that he will not be. Shapiro is one of the smartest individuals on the political scene currently, an excellent debater, and knows how to shut down absurd ideas that are perpetuated by the left.

At the same time, when the left calls Trump a "Racist" or "Xenophobe", what they say FEELS more justified because of stupid things that Trump has said in the media. Shapiro, on the other hand, has never exhibited any uncontrollable speech regarding race, or any other hot button topic. All he does is read facts and statistics from different fields of study to substantiate his arguments.

The country needs Shapiro in 2024.

Side: Yes yes
Quantumhead(749) Disputed
1 point

The reason the left hates him is due to his completely untouchable debating strategy.

Lmao. His "completely untouchable debating strategy" is to lie more than Adolf Hitler. Trump tells lies faster than it takes fact checkers to prove he's lying. By the time he gets busted for lie number one he's already onto lie number four.

Is it any wonder that people have such contempt for the American right wing, when you openly conflate lying and infantile personal attacks with intellectual debate?

Side: No no
JaceCarsonne(93) Disputed
1 point

You ARE aware that the sentence you're referring to was not being applied to Trump, right?

If you would have read the rest of my retort, you would have been able to infer that I am not a Trump supporter.

I was speaking about Ben Shapiro, who IS, in fact, completely untouchable when it comes to debating. You definitely just turned it up to 11 on an issue where you misconceived meaning.

Side: Yes yes
1 point

The Brits thought that dressing in redcoats and marching in lines getting picked off was good war strategy. They then got beat by the "stupid Americans". And you're their offspring. Bwahahahahaha! You're the offspring of a group of people who think tea is crack! Of course, you do act like a crack baby. Was your mom on meth? She was wasn't she Quantum?

Side: Yes yes
1 point

Hillary? I mean that woman has some pretty crazy hate for her going on right now in the left so......

Side: Yes yes
1 point

There are actually people on the left that I like. Hillary Clinton is not one of them. If Schumer, Pelosi, or Waters go on a tirade, I at least think they believe they are in the right in their mind. Hillary? I think she'd sell her soul for crumbs.

When she went on this book tour, that really turned me off. And then one day after the Vegas shooting she said our entire party supported bump stocks, having no idea how we feel about bump stocks, much less how all of us feel. And now the right is actually pandering towards illegalizing them, but there will be no apology or praise from her if we ban them. She'll just see it as some kind of political trophy rather than us considering a valid debate on safety.

Trump is extremely rough around the edges, but sadly, I think he's more of a human being than she is. There's just something not right when I watch her mannerisms and hear what she says.

Side: No no
Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

I think she'd sell her soul for crumbs.

Oh I have no doubt. But if you REALLY want to piss Lefties off, having Hillary run as a Republican is going to make people's heads spin. We're already tired of her, this would almost be funny.

Side: Yes yes
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