
Debate Info

A GOOD education You CAN'T equalize people
Debate Score:68
Total Votes:80
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 A GOOD education (23)
 You CAN'T equalize people (22)

Debate Creator

excon(18262) pic

What ONE thing EQUALIZES us more than ANYTHING?


IF you say education, does the government
have an interest in providing it?  If you think I'm talking about making everybody equal, your sand box is calling you.


A GOOD education

Side Score: 34

You CAN'T equalize people

Side Score: 34

IF you say education, does the government have an interest in providing it?

No. The left monopolized academia and began indoctrinating rather than teaching. That's why we aren't even close to first in the world concerning education. We've now raised a generation of ignorance.

Side: A GOOD education
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Hello bront:

When I was in the 4th grade, I learned about the Bill of Rights.. My teacher didn't indoctrinate me.. All she made me do, is READ them.. They're short and don't use big words.. Even a 4th grader could understand them.. And, I did. If you read them, and understood them, and more importantly EMBRACED them, you couldn't HELP but BE a liberal..


Side: You CAN'T equalize people
1 point

My children will not follow in my generations footsteps, that I swear. My flesh and blood that I give birth to will be loved, but overall they will grow up to be god loving enlightened individuals who pursue trails worth following.

Side: A GOOD education
1 point


Side: You CAN'T equalize people

A handgun or a rifle equalizes people. I don't need legs to blow an intruder out the door and into the street.

Side: A GOOD education
Atrag(5666) Clarified
1 point

What ONE thing EQUALIZES us more than ANYTHING?

IF you say education, does the government have an interest in providing it? If you think I'm talking about making everybody equal, your sand box is calling you.

Side: A GOOD education
excon(18262) Clarified
1 point

Hello A:

Yes... I said that.. Now, it's YOUR turn..


Side: A GOOD education
1 point

A good education has escaped you with your sandbox equalization.

Side: A GOOD education
1 point

A gun. A nice big gun. Like a Colt 45. An armed society is a polite society. That's why they called each other 'mam' or 'sir' in the old west ;)

Side: A GOOD education
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Hello j:

But ONLY if everybody has one... Then we're back to the OK Corral days.. Wait..... Is that when we were great???


Side: You CAN'T equalize people
2 points

Then we're back to the OK Corral days.. Wait..... Is that when we were great???

Well con. The Marxist socialists are trying to get us back to those days. What do you think anarchy is? Point?

Side: A GOOD education
1 point

Ooooh, it was glorious. Here, if someone pisses you off you just get to ban them. But back then, you got to blow their face off ;)

Side: You CAN'T equalize people
4 points


And I don't mean treatment thereof. Because clearly access to shelter and clean conditions and resources all help to prolong and improve life.

I mean simply coming down with sickness. The flu kicks pretty much everyone's butt if they get it. And even the rich still get cancer.

When pandemics happen they are humbling and equalizing. They remind all people that no matter how rich or powerful they might be they can still get knocked on their arse.

This is an absurd and extreme example but if you take the basic flesh eating zombie horror movie plot you basically have people from every walk of life trying to escape the calamity but getting caught up in it anyway, and then the rising human tide of zombies ends up a true melting pot of every kind of person in society all racing after the living to eat their brains. A handful may hold out with better resources but in the end pretty much everyone gets equalized.

Sickness puts us all in our place no matter who we think we're supposed to be.

Side: You CAN'T equalize people
2 points

Death would be another extreme example to go with sickness. In you example of pandemics, the two go hand in hand. You can get lucky and avoid death from time to time like the guy who cut his arm off after a boulder trapped him. In the end, Father Time is undefeated and Death is his Defensive Coordinator.

Side: You CAN'T equalize people
1 point

In the same vein as sickness and death, I submit that unrequited love equalizes all people.

Loving those who do not love us back makes us all equally poor regardless of our possessions,

equally foolish regardless of our experience,

equally stupid regardless of our education,

equally miserable regardless of our other circumstances.

Side: You CAN'T equalize people
1 point

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Side: You CAN'T equalize people