
Debate Info

This That
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:17
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 This (5)
 That (6)

Debate Creator

Hellno(17753) pic

What do I have to do to Offend You?


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 11

Repeat the same question after I answered it 3 times already.

Side: This
1 point

You're doing just fine as is.

Side: This
1 point

Awe shucks! You flatter me.

Side: This
1 point

I dunno.. most things do, so I guess you only have to say anything, as long as you're addressing me personally, I'll interpret it the wrong way.

Side: This
2 points

Jungelson! You're a ramshackling ass burglar! D:<

Side: This
4 points

Tell me that I will never be a princess.

Side: That
2 points

Touch my no-no zone .

Side: That
2 points

Uhhhhhhhhhh....... no worries there.

Side: That
1 point

Hand me a Pepsi when I specifically asked for a coke .

EDIT: I accidentally a word

Side: That
1 point

Yeah Pepsi sucks. 😨

Side: That
1 point

Yeah it's the can of Pepsi particular that I don't like.

That doesn't mean that I dislike KFC or Taco Bell.

Side: That