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 What do libertarians believe? (17)

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Sitara(11080) pic

What do libertarians believe?

No you do not have to be a member of the Libertarian Party to be a libertarian.

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2 points

I can't say it any better than the party itself.

Basically we are liberally social, and conservatively economic.

Yeah, that is a good start.--------------------------------------------------------------

1 point

Thank ye. .

2 points

Depends. Mostly for people who are extreme libertarians like me we believe the state to be:

"The best organized aggressor against the persons and property of the mass of the public." - Murray Rothbard

1 point

What is the role of the government in your belief? .

To act as a guard against other countries and to keep the economy regulated without interfering with personal property.

1 point

Links will be very helpful, thank you. .

1 point

Libertarians believe that all humans are rational beings. That is false

Libertarians also hold monetary value over the value of human life.

P.S. Is your profile picture Elizabeth May?

1 point

No. That is me. .

kozlov(1754) Clarified
1 point

Oh, you have a remarkable likeness to Elizabeth May, the leader of the Green Party of Canada.

1 point

Well many of us believe that the government needs to back off. The only legitimate prepose for the federal government is to defend the countrie from foreign threts and settle disputes between the states by calling apon the state militias (National guard) because the constitution dose not give the government the power to have a standing army. We believe that taxes are at their core robberie because the government is taking your money and you don't get a say in the matter and if you don't pay you go to federal prison. And that the federal government should back off and let the states run themselves unless its to settle a dispute between two or more states. Basically that the government needs to stay out of the lives of the people (to one extent or another)

1 point

Yeah, I can dig that. What do you think about eliminating all tax loopholes and charging a 10% flat tax?

1 point

I would support that. At least the flat tax part that way people will stop complaining about the unfair tax system. However when you say tax loop holes do you mean tax cuts? Because tax cuts are great incentives to do things like donate to charity or start a small business both of which I support. And the part about business expenses being tax deductible makes it easier for small business owners to get what they need. If you mean some thing els pleas illustrate what

1 point

Libertarians are more or less pragmatic anarchists which I wholly empathize with

I know they believe that the government is like a business that saps money from us or something.