
Debate Info

Use them They are useless
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Use them (2)
 They are useless (4)

Debate Creator

iLoveVersace(1098) pic

What do you guys think of Sonic Weapons?

Sonic Weapon


Sonic weapons are weapons that emit sounds at certain frequencies to injure or kill people.  Should we be allowed to use these in war? By the police? Ordinary citizens?

Use them

Side Score: 2

They are useless

Side Score: 4

We have a second amendment right to bear them.

Side: Use them
11wolf(679) Clarified
1 point

Think again thats for the U.S what about the other country. So really your saying that the U.S can because of this amendment and that other country can not.

Side: Use them
1 point

I see why not it cheaper then anything else. And it easy to use.

Side: Use them
1 point

They are not useless but from the other side we should use them I could see that as an major problem and thats the least that we need. Just because we can do this doesn't mean that we should do it.

Side: They are useless

I am with wolf on this one, I don't see any need civilians, police, or our army have for them. Our military is already advanced enough, no reason to think why these kind of weapons are necessary for police nor civilians so, they aren't useless, technically, but we shouldn't use them in my honest opinion.

Side: They are useless

They sound highly dangerous and think if they let things lke the public police or something get a hold ofem then that puts us at risk of someone acquiring them illegally.

Side: They are useless

While I don't want to say they're flatout useless, they aren't cost effective. There are significantly cheaper anti-personnel options at the same scale of effect, and significantly more effective options at the same price point.

Note that by price I'm not talking about just purchase price, but maintenance and energy costs as well.

Side: They are useless