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 What do you hate about girls? (18)

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dogs(47) pic

What do you hate about girls?

1.They take forever getting there makeup on. 2.They take forever picking out cloths. 3.They never stop texting. 4.They think the boys have to do everything. And thats 4 things what I hate about girls.
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3 points

5. They never see if my rag smells of chloroform, even when I ask them to.

I hate it when they say stuff like:

1. Is it in yet?

2. Who are you going to satisfy with that little thing? Which is a really stupid question to ask because the obvious answer is..., ME!!!!

3. Get off of me!!! No..., you're not hurting me. You're annoying me!!! Think you can hurt me with that?

4. What the hell is that? Don't come near me with that!!!

Forever alone ;)

I can't until you wife find out what you just said lol.

1 point

6. Their bitchiness. Not all are, but plenty are.

1 point

They don't like my pick-up lines.

For example:

"Calm down missy. Let's not turn this rape into a murder."

Smooth ...

Apollo(1590) Disputed
1 point

You must be...SO proud ...

They have funbags. Why don't I have funbags? Funbags make life better...

Irrational thinking, letting their emotions dictate over logic.

1 point

I honestly don't think most women can help that, or they feel justified if they are. Not saying I haven't been guilty of it X) I try not to be irrational. And if I am having certain emotions from thoughts I KNOW are irrational, I keep them to myself.

1 point

All the things you've named I never do X) Lol. Makes me feel good about myself.

But hate is such a strong word e__e

Things I DISLIKE that girls do:

1) Flirt with every single guy they talk to.


2) Constantly wanting attention.

Oh wait... I just described myself ;)

But I don't really flirt with every guy I talk to X)

Though I do want attention a lot. Just not all the time. lol

1) Flirt with every single guy they talk to.

But with me, they just can't help it... ;)

1 modern feminism is mainly about stripping men of their rights

2 women think they're better than men

3 they are ignorant and base their arguments on opinions and/or stereotypes

4 they have it better in society with protective laws and kinder treatment

5 some are annoying, some aren't though

6 they focus on trivial things that often disturb men

7 when they cry, it is super annoying

8 more women cheat than women

9 on tv, women are most often the smartest while men are portrayed as idiots

10 women, which generally have more flaws (look it up online or on why women are inferior to men forums), often criticize men for their flaws

1 point

I totally agree with #9 on this one. But is it really women who are writing those roles, or men?

idk. but have you seen these type of tv shows? i guess men who believe in femdom and women write them

1 point

How complicated women make things (I admit to it too).