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Debate Score:40
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GuitarGuy(6096) pic

What does God do all day?

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2 points

Sump-in' bitchin' I bet!

1 point

Nothing and then .... Nothing .... And more nothing ... It's not easy doing nothing ....

1 point

He works in the hearts of those he wishes to be saved. Our God is awesome.

Dermot(5736) Disputed
3 points

He is pretty awesome at murder , baby killing , incest and genocide as well just to bring a bit of balance .....

GuitarGuy(6096) Disputed
1 point

You do know what a heart does, right?

I think he spends most of His time playing GTA 5. ;)

4 points

Oh. Maybe for God real life is his GTA 5. That would explain a lot.

If I were God, that's exactly how I would treat humans ;)

1 point

First off I would like to say there is no time in eternity because you are there forever. It might feel like you just arrived, even if you passed away like say 5 years ago. God judges people who have died in a day, He also performs miracles and answers prayers. Sends angels on various supernatural missions to protect Christians from being attacked by demons. He is also preparing for His second coming and for the full amount of people to accept Him.

2 points

Sends angels on various supernatural missions to protect Christians from being attacked by demons.

Okay... I really LOLed at this one! Ha! He's just like Charlie! I love it!

1 point

Who's Charlie?

Dermot(5736) Disputed
2 points

You seriously need to see someone .... And have a talk about .. Ahem ... Reality preferably someone with training , don't take this too personal but when you think angels are fighting demons in the sky well to put it bluntly your not well .... As a friend I would say ... Cut down on the weed , don't talk to any angels or demons for a while , and keep away from sharp objects .... Thinking about you ...,

Srom(12120) Disputed
1 point

You seriously need to see someone .... And have a talk about .. Ahem ... Reality preferably someone with training

The debate is called "What does God do all day?" so I simply answered the question that the debate creator asked. If you wanted something else then I am sorry.

don't take this too personal but when you think angels are fighting demons in the sky well to put it bluntly your not well

They actually fight in this world but we can't see the supernatural forces because we don't have the capabilities to do that. Only God can open up our eyes to see what was going on in the supernatural world.

As a friend I would say ... Cut down on the weed , don't talk to any angels or demons for a while , and keep away from sharp objects .... Thinking about you ...

You aren't my friend so saying "as a friend" is simply pointless. I don't smoke weed or do any drugs because it's a sin. I don't talk to angels or demons, I am just stating from what I know from the Bible.

2 points

First off I would like to say there is no time in eternity

I'm pretty sure that Heaven has two measures of time... Beer Thirty and Wine O'clock.

It might feel like you just arrived, even if you passed away like say 5 years ago.

Time flies when you're having fun with Jesus and stuff... I guess.

God judges people who have died in a day

Huh? Like babies? What does God have against babies!?

He also performs miracles and answers prayers.

Christians should skip a few prayers so that he can have a break.

Sends angels on various supernatural missions to protect Christians from being attacked by demons.

"Alright crew, you're heading into the States for this one. We have reports of a demon preparing to attack the souls of a young Christian couple in Texas. Move in quietly and take him out... any questions? Okay, good... gear up and move out. Hoorah!"

He is also preparing for His second coming and for the full amount of people to accept Him.

Is he just like packing up all of his stuff, maybe making some extra room up in Heaven? How exactly is he preparing?

Srom(12120) Disputed
1 point

I'm pretty sure that Heaven has two measures of time... Beer Thirty and Wine O'clock.

Nope, you wouldn't know since you don't read His Word.

Time flies when you're having fun with Jesus and stuff... I guess.

No, it's just the way it is.

Huh? Like babies? What does God have against babies!?

Babies automatically go to heaven since they don't really know anything about God and God has nothing against babies.

Christians should skip a few prayers so that he can have a break.

It's not going to happen, the Bible says for Christians to pray without ceasing.

Is he just like packing up all of his stuff, maybe making some extra room up in Heaven? How exactly is he preparing?

There is rooms in heaven because that is what He said to His disciples that He is going to prepare a place for them in Heaven so those who believe in God and do His teachings will be able to have a place in Heaven.

Jungelson(3955) Disputed
1 point

No time, then how come it took him a certain unit of time to create the world. 6 days, hours, microns, whatever... And if there is no time for him, why does he do things in a particular order.

1 point

Sends angels on various supernatural missions to protect Christians from being attacked by demons.

If I were a Christian I'd write him a letter saying thanks for the help with the demons Lord, but could you do something about cancer, autism, diabetes, missing limbs, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis and world hunger instead?

