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 What idiotic nickname do you use for your pet? (13)

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Banshee(288) pic

What idiotic nickname do you use for your pet?

Not your pet's real name, but the completely stupid-sounding nickname you say in a baby-talk voice when your animal companion does something particularly endearing.

Admit it, pet people -- you totally do this.


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"Pookie-toes." Occassionally "nuggethead," but usually "pookie-toes."

Side: Pookie-toes
1 point

What kind of animal is your pet?

because right now i'm thinking that it's a chicken

Side: Pookie-toes
1 point

She's a cat; she's just clumsy, that's why she's a nuggethead.

Side: Pookie-toes

What idiotic nickname do you use for your pet?

I call my rottweiler-corgi mix "Poonky-poo".

Side: Pookie-toes

I got a little black poodle I lovingly call Nobama when ever he's bad ;)

OK, I'm kidding. He's brown ;)

No, really, I don't own a dog. but if I did... ;)

Side: Pookie-toes

His name is Tazz but I call him babeeeee-face! Not idiotic but oh so true!

Side: babeeeee-face
1 point

Beebles: A derivitive of the English "baby".

Also Cappy and Piddle-poo.

But I don't use baby talk because I don't want to confuse him or inhibit his understanding of English.

Side: babeeeee-face

I don't have a jibberish nickname for Maggie, other than things look schnooky-pie. Or for Trouble, other than Troubie-wubbums. But I do tend to call the dog, Maggie, 'Kitty' while I call my cat, Trouble, 'Woof.' It's inexplicable.

Side: Schnooky-pie

Here boo-boo! Oh Hi! Um.. yeah! Boo-boo is the best pet nickname of all time.

Side: Boo-Boo
1 point

The cat is known exclusively as cat. Her name is lucky, but she is called cat. When people call her anything other than cat, I slap them.

Side: Boo-Boo
1 point

I call my dog "Bullzis".

It's really weird I know.


Side: Bullzis
1 point

Clunker dunker and cheechums, laugh as you may but I come up with a new one each week.


I also have a ferret named Lucy. Due to her tendency to remove every sole from all of my shoes and subsequently hide them, I call her Lucyfur, because she'll steal your soul.

Side: Bullzis
1 point

I usually call my dog "girl", and my cat "master".

Side: Bullzis