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 What inspires you? (32)

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GuitarGuy(6096) pic

What inspires you?

I'm feeling inspired... I think it's the music I'm listening too.

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2 points

God inspires me. .

GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
1 point

Hasn't everything inspired you at one point or another?

Sitara(11080) Clarified
1 point

No. .

2 points

CreateDebate inspires me to want to drink.

So far how many brands have you taken under your wing?

1 point

You name it, I'll drink it. ;)

When people don't let nothing stop them from achieving their dream.

1 point

I had a dream last night that I am going to have a really difficult time achieving...

It will be difficult only if you make it that way.

I get inspired by different things for different activities. I get inspired to draw, when I see really good realism drawings. I get inspired to go tricking when I listen to dubstep. The rest of the list is too long.

1 point

What in the hell is 'tricking'?

Nice right?
1 point

Imagining a better world .

I like listening to stuff like this. Makes you feel inspired to do something.

My Name is Lincoln
1 point

Right on. Yeah, that's the type of epic music that makes me feel like 'I want to go save the fucking world' and then I stop listening to it and get on CreateDebate for a few hours... basically doing nothing productive.

Yeah this is a moving song. Its pretty intense. I just need to find a new inspiration.

C'est très bien. I like it. It was good and emotional.

1 point

I like this one:


Tell me this doesnt get you pumped .

300 Violin Orchestra
1 point

Sounds like sports highlight reel music to me. Pretty good.

1 point

This one is pretty popular, after listening to it I feel inspired to acquire power.

Requiem for a Tower

I don't think I can say one thing inspires me. If I want to be inspired there isn't anything I can do to make it happen. You can't control when you're being inspired.

1 point

What was the last random thing that inspired you?