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 What is The Truth? (3)

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TzarPepe(763) pic

What is The Truth?

What is The Truth?
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1 point

The Truth is God

What is God?

The Supreme and Ultimate Reality.

What is The Supreme and Ultimate Reality?

The Supreme and Ultimate Reality is The Supreme and Ultimate Reality. It is what it is.

God is what God says God is.

God says,


Amarel(5669) Disputed
1 point

The Supreme and Ultimate Reality = The Supreme and Ultimate Reality.

The Supreme and Ultimate Reality =/= Jesus Christ

TzarPepe(763) Clarified
1 point

It is through Jesus Christ, The Most Perfect Image, guided by The Holy Ghost, The Spirit of Truth, that God, The Supreme and Ultimate Reality can be seen. Through a glass dimly.

Without this, no one and their pagan delusions is justified. It is only God that redeems. That is what the name "Jesus" means. The Salvation of God!

Salvation is God. The Supreme and Ultimate Reality. That's it, right there.

That is what the faith is in.

It should be clear to anyone who leans not on their own understanding but The Word of God that we are all saved by grace, not our own doing.