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 What is love? (19)

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BookBird101(572) pic

What is love?

In your opinion.

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3 points

Love is an addiction to any one thing. I love my wife, because every thing she does makes me happy. Her character, personality, and physical appearance are so pleasing to me that life without her would be miserable. I am addicted to who/what she is. Think about when people fall out of love.. Two people fall in love and get married. With my definition in mind the two are so pleased by the character or appearance of the other that they do not want to live without those pleasures. This holds for so long until the things they once loved are so familiar and repetetive that they begin to hate them.

2 points

To me, love is an emotion that can be misinterpreted. People might think they're in love, but really they're in lust, or they're just obsessed. I've never been in love, so I don't know what it feels like, but I do know that there is true love. The kind of love that lasts, and won't be broken apart because of a silly fight or minor conflict.

2 points

Love is accepting and supporting someone full-heartedly, and desiring to do so in close proximity to the person.

It can take on many forms, all of which aren't too different. Romance, friendship, familial, empathetic, etc. All of them are the same feeling, but with slightly different subthemes.

Also, love is the future of mankind. We are destined to either absolutely love or absolutely destroy ourselves.

The way things are going, I'm betting on destroying ourselves. Call me an optimist.

1 point

Love is patient and kid. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does no rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful and endures through every circumstances- 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

That is what I think love is in my opinion. :)

Gokumohan(334) Disputed
1 point

It's silly and you might find this offensive but please try to watch this video.

Srom(12120) Disputed
2 points

I am not going to watch that video because some of the things my God wouldn't say that and its fan made so that's not how God would react to that kind of situation plus He wouldn't swear.

1 point

A song by Haddaway

What is love (love)? Oh, baby dont hurt me (dont hurt me) no more!


Also, you forgot to respond to our debate. God_is_hypocritical#arg315901

I did not forget. I just got distracted by TV and YouTube videos during the weekend, and I'm also just thinking of how to respond. I will try to get to it by today. :P

Oh, and I know and love that song.

Love is that which blinds us from seeing the faults of others. Love is unconditional. It is without bias or objectivity; there is only one side, the side of love.

Thewayitis(4063) Clarified
2 points

If you must down-vote please dispute what is written, so that ignorance can be shared with all those that enter CD.

I agree. I hate it when people do that, especially if what you said was not rude, or offensive, or spam but just an honest opinion.

1 point

Active concern for the well being of .

1 point

Love.... is not counted by efforts and deeds. What I mean is, you dont boast when you do something and let your own partner know for herself that you did it out of nothing. Pride is one of the things why we don love each other. Therefore, love brings out the down to earth person within us. Love is sharing a moment with someone, not romantically, but these simple moments become extraordinary. Love is being hurt, and yet, forgiving in a way. It is the acceptance of someone's fault and sometimes is not reasonable. It should bring out the best in us, and might bring out the worst. What's important is that when you bring out the worst, that special someone would understand you and accept all your faults.

1 point

Love is an amazing feeling it's difficult to define or describe it in words . In my humble view i guess love has different meanings depending on situations , emotionally it's a strong positive emotion of affection when you love someone you can't live without him otherwise your life would be cruel and incomplete .

Love is making another person the only significant person in your life.