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 What is the best chill pill? (8)

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HoldTheMayo(5913) pic

What is the best chill pill?

Like what is the actual pill that comes closest to a "chill pill?"

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THC pill.

A Pill of melatonin?

I think sleeping is the best kind of "chill."

Or maybe liquid nitrogen in pill form?...hmm that gives me ideas 8D...

Idk. its maybe one of those...

1 point

Calming down.

1 point

Take a cyanide pill... you'll end up pretty chill.

1 point

It's different for everyone. Mine's music :)


EDIT: Whooops. didn't read the description.

I'd say a muscle relaxant or a sleeping pill ;P

1 point

Probably some kind of anti-anxiety pill.

1 point

What? Come on... take my pill and you'll end up seriously chilled.

1 point

I'll pass...

1 point

Tetra hydro cannabinol concentrated into pills. I was once frozen on that experience.