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 What is the meaning of the meaning of life? (11)

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instig8or(3308) pic

What is the meaning of the meaning of life?

Sometimes people will ask "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF LIFE?" but the meaning of life has no meaning itself unless it has further significance beyond itself!
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1 point

The meaning of the meaning of life is to realize that you're gonna die even if you realise it in time xD

The meaning of life has to reside in the mind of a living human being.

instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

Read carefully.

1 point

Simple. Speed. To strive to run faster, swim faster, drive faster, fly faster, solve problems faster and to recover from illnesses faster and so forth.

instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

Read carefully.

1 point

The meaning of life is to give meaning to your life. Don't let a God say what your meaning of life is. Make yourself who you want to be and become your own God. That is the meaning of life.

instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

Read carefully.

1 point

oh dear, you must be having a tough time here

Kalamazoo(333) Disputed
1 point

Your interpretation of life is that it has no meaning unless it has a further significance beyond itself. That juvenile statement is the product of a pseudo philosopher who cannot go beyond the meaningless quote of some aimless academic, or the egotistical drivel of someone attempting to be unfathomably profound. All life on earth, including us, is the result of the endless process of evolution and each individual has his/her own interpretation of the meaning and purpose of ''their own lives''. Try spewing out your home spun philosophical question to the starving masses of Africa where 2000 babies die every day or the hoards of refugees fleeing the war torn countries of the middle east. To the vast majority of the world's population the meaning of life is simply to stay alive.

1 point

42. It is the anwers to the meaning of life, the universe and everything. That includes your question.