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What is your favorite television series?




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2 points

House M.D. and White Collar!

The limit is 50 characters, so here they be.

White Collar has been renewed for a second season.

I've gotten tired of all these police-procedural shows, though.



The Big Ban Theory-CBS

The Walking Dead-AMC

Good Times was a beast!!! lol. Family Matters2!!!! Oh yeah, Fresh prince2

Side: Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air

I've a number of favorites categorized, as always, according to genre and decade.

Crime: Criminal Minds

Science Fiction: X-Files

Comedy: The Big Bang Theory

Horror: Masters of Horror

Medical: House, M.D.

1950s I Love Lucy

1960s: Star Trek

1970s: Quincy, M.E.

1980s: Star Trek The Next Generation

1990s Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

2000s Law & Order SVU/CSI

Side: Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air

House M.D is my all time fave.

It's rational and funny. Hugh Laurie is damn sexy, also Olivia Wilde. I like solving cases and I'm choosing my career path as a doctor so that show fascinates me more about the human body.

Side: House MD

What is your favorite television series?

Breaking Bad.

Side: Breaking Bad
1 point

The Sopranos.

Damn can I relate to it in so many different levels; family, friends, relationships, business, work, psychology etc.

Side: The Sopranos
1 point

The Wire

Accurately portrays the drug world, police world, political world, media world etc.

I cannot explain how good this series is.

Side: The Wire

Do you like any British shows?

For awhile, I liked 'Primeval' and the Irish R.M.

Side: The Wire
1 point

A few British shows are ok... none come to mind

Ross Kemp on gangs doesn't count does it?

I prefer comedy panel shows.... QI, Mock the Week, 8 out of 10 cats etc.

Side: The Wire
1 point

Love the show so down to earth gritty fantastic. Doesn't powder coat any part of life as it is on the streets.

Side: The Wire
1 point

Best part I love is that it doesn't always chase the happy endings.

As you said.. it gives it to you as it is.

Side: The Wire
1 point

Desperate Housewives and Army Wives

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

Side: The Wire


It shows the love between two brothers while being funny sometimes and serious at other times. So much better than anything else I have ever watched. I recommend everyone to watch it.

Side: supernatural
1 point

Documentary: Doomsday Preppers!!! on National Geographic Channel.

Side: supernatural
1 point

Dexter by far, or Breaking Bad, or How I Met Your Mother, or Supernatural.


Side: supernatural