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Debate Score:32
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 What political party are you in (27)

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bemagic15(530) pic

What political party are you in

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I am a libertarian. I have been for a while now. I like some of the beliefs.

1 point

That's how it seems to be with all parties, they all suck in a way

Just like my sister. She is an extreme libertarian .

I had a conversation with her once and she is very "extreme". Her motives are heavy.

2 points

I am not in a political party. They are all corrupt. I am an independent liberal.

1 point

That is true, that's why I've created my own personal party, it's called "Partay", want to join, all we do is party.

1 point

Hell yes! Let's party! Break out the weed and the strippers! ;)

I am a Libertarian.

1 point

I think everyone is [that's on this site], gonna be a lot of Democrats also.

Of course you are Abby. You practically hate the government and the way they run the country.

1 point

I am an anarcho-communist. I want to abolish all parties.

2 points

What happened to plain 'ol anarchism?

None officially. I have democratic views, but I would vote for the green party if I voted.

bemagic15(530) Clarified
1 point

I researched a lot of them (which I recommend doing before voting) and the one that sounds the best was the Pirate party (I'm joking)

Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point

I don't need to research it because I haven't labeled myself as anything or voted.

I don't believe in parties, I believe candidates should just announce their stances on the topics and leave the parties out. Those parties are what divide the country, more than race, religion, sex, or whatever

So you are either a Democrat or a Green Party participant?

Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point

If I had to vote I'd vote green party. While my views are mostly democratic, I like the green party because it's pro-marijuana and pro-environment.

1 point

I am conservative

CrapWeasel(537) Disputed
1 point

I am conservative

Now that is funny nom burritolunch taco hootie alchonelite crocodile wanker

Hootie(364) Disputed
1 point

Now that is funny nom burritolunch taco hootie alchonelite crocodile wanker

That isn't my account you buffoon. For starters, I'm not a Conservative.

I am a registered Democrat and very proud to be a member.