
Debate Info

Civil War 2 Civil war 2
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:11
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 Civil War 2 (4)
 Civil war 2 (3)

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TacoLunch(74) pic

When you censor a group with a spine, they gather weapons and begin loading them

Civil War 2

Side Score: 4

Civil war 2

Side Score: 3

I agree. Everyone has the right, to freedom of thought, and speech. ............................................................

Side: Civil War 2

When you censor a group with a spine, they gather weapons and begin loading them

Jesus Christ Bronto you're just so unfathomably cowardly and stupid. You're posting incognito on your 400th puppet account (because the other 399 have been banned), telling us about how it takes bravery to stand 400 yards away from someone and fire a lethal weapon at them.

And, as per usual, you are trying to incite other people to commit violence (and face the consequences) because that's exactly the type of horrible cowardly scumbag you are. You're a horrible little man who lies and cheats his way through life. Reported.

Side: Civil War 2
Chinaman(3570) Clarified
2 points

The Little Gurl from London typed this : Reported

We should concerned because you are a Pussy Leftist.

Side: Civil War 2
Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

You dumb ass all weapons are lethal. Knifes must not be lethal in that there London.

Try to defend your stupidity there stupid.

Side: Civil War 2
0 points

You dumb ass all weapons are lethal.

They are not all equally lethal you gigantically stupid rent-a-moron. You cannot reason that, because it is possible to kill a man with a spoon, we should therefore legalise rocket launchers. That is the most ridiculously stupid thing you have written in at least the last ten minutes.

Side: Civil war 2

What you nutbags are is a cult. It's that simple. You're a cult of racist, delusional nutbags who think you are going to take over the world by lying to everybody, and that nobody is going to be smart enough to figure out that you're liars.

Side: Civil war 2
Chinaman(3570) Clarified
2 points

Brit what you gonna do. You know nothing about firearms and your dumb ass cannot fight it but you show up with your ignorance hitched to the Leftist Clown Car parade.

Side: Civil War 2
Chinaman(3570) Clarified
2 points

The Brit follows along with the Leftist agenda and here is what it said :You're a cult of racist

Dummy everybody in your world are racist and that is no longer working for you idiot.

Side: Civil War 2
BurritoLunch(6566) Clarified
0 points

The Brit follows along with the Leftist agenda and here is what it said :You're a cult of racist

You're a cult of racist, paranoid extremists who think everything you don't like the sound of (i.e. racial integration, global warming, history etc...) is part of some sinister global "leftist agenda". You are dangerously insane, stupid, and should not be out in the world without proper psychiatric supervision.

Side: Civil War 2
Catdog(56) Disputed
0 points

You're losing the narrative in the world. How's it feel to keep losing burrito?

Side: Civil War 2