
Debate Info

Clinton Trump
Debate Score:25
Total Votes:26
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 Clinton (9)
 Trump (8)

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Grenache(6053) pic

Which Presidential Candidate has Greater Risk of Assassination?

I'm not wishing for this for either candidate.  But there's a robust history of assassination attempts and successes in US history.


Side Score: 9


Side Score: 16
1 point

Sexism will be her enemy.Poor Hillary's biggest enemy is her female parts so say the Democrats. Racism must have been Obama's biggest enemy because of his male parts. Democrat insanity is full blown rampant !

Side: Clinton
Grenache(6053) Disputed
3 points

Your argument contradictions your vote. You voted Clinton is the more likely to be assassinated, but then mock to say she isn't a target of sexism, and you give no other reason she'd be assassinated. You're so busy being contrary you're not paying attention.

Side: Trump
DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

Hillary's sex will cause her to have a greater risk of assassination. You wrote it not me.

Side: Clinton
4 points

Believe it or not I'm not clicking this side out of political motivation. Sure you'll challenge that.

Here's the thing, the Clintons have already successfully lived under Secret Service protection for many years. And she knows the foreign travel safety scenarios. And as the first female President she'll likely be guarded with the fervor that kept the first African American President alive so far. Nor do I think she'll give the gun lobby a reason to come after her because neither her nor Bill have really gone after them, it's just lip service. Sexism will be her enemy. Or potentially a foreign rival like Putin. But neither of those are all that new.

And then there's Trump. Despite the belief by many that he is the straight talking man of the people the fact is every time he does what you describe to be that he directly insults or threatens a large sub group in the US - minorities, women, religious groups, whatever. Plus he has left a long trail of unpaid people or folks holding a bill while he cashes out. Plus he has links like it or not to organized crime figures, and foreign powers like Russia. Plus he likes to go rogue and say and do whatever he wants to do whenever, however, wherever, he wants to do it. I'd say the odds of someone taking out Trump are much stronger than taking out Clinton.

Side: Trump
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Agreed. I hasten to mention the fact that Trump will immediately create more foreign enemies by angering millions of Muslims .... even the ones that will be SOOOO happy that he became the poster child of ISIS and increased their recruitments a hundred fold!

Side: Clinton
DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

Can you tell me how many attacks by Muslim Jihadist have taken place under the Obama Watch ?

Side: Clinton
DBCooper(2194) Disputed
0 points

The Democrat talking point is carried well by you dummy Democrats ! Sexism will be her enemy. Does the talking points ever change with you Democrats ?

Side: Clinton
Grenache(6053) Disputed
1 point

Ha! You ignore everything else said and zero in on that one thing, which is correct by the way. And then you give no other input.

Side: Trump
2 points

Trump is a moron, morons don't think so well.

Side: Trump
DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

Hillary is a Moron and a known criminal for 30 plus years. Morons like Hillary don't think so well. Hell she can't get into a van so well.

Side: Clinton
AlofRI(3294) Disputed
2 points

Hillary is a criminal only in the minds of conservatives who fear her. She has not been convicted of ONE crime EXCEPT in those minds! Trumped up charges (pun intended), are all that exist! I would remind you that Hillary's "private server" was NOT hacked, while the government servers have been several times! Mistake?? Well, in the minds of conservatives. I'm sure she would not do it again. Benghazi?? The one "investigated" by several vengeful conservative groups?? THEY COULD FIND NOTHING (because nothing existed) Bills "indiscretions"? They are NOT her fault! Under pressure (brought by those nasty conservatives ... I would have welcomed a consensual BJ, I think. Wrong ... maybe, at the time and place, but, conservatives have let rapists off easier, many times, than you did Bill Clinton!

Ask yourself WHY Putin wants to help get Trump elected?? Because he is a buffoon that HE knows HE can manipulate! He cannot manipulate Hillary Clinton. Hillary's so called, CRIMES, will not come CLOSE to the damage Trump would do in the White House!

Any moment I expect to hear Gary Johnson ask: "Putin WHO"??? KEEP America great! Hillary is our ONLY CHOICE! (And a good one!)

Side: Trump
1 point

Any 'ism' aside, I think you hit the nail on the head. Trump has burned many many people and insists on insulting just about every minority out there. He is almost a symbol of ignorance, bigotry and hatred and he does his best to stir up and divide the people of this country. If it's not one of the multiple groups of people that he insults -it could be someone from his ties to the mob, someone who has to foot a bill that Trump never paid, or someone from a different country- that is more than willing to assassinate him.

Side: Trump
DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

3 terrorist attacks in 24 hours happened under who's watch ? It had nothing to do with Trump at all.

Side: Clinton