
Debate Info

Non-christian theists Atheists
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Non-christian theists (2)
 Atheists (1)

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DreadLaRaven(9) pic

Which of the two do bible thumping nutcases fear/hate the most and why?

Between Non-christian Theists (anyone who follows a religion that is not christianity and/or believes in a God that is not the christian god) and Atheists, who do bible thumpers fear and hate the most? Why?

Non-christian theists

Side Score: 2


Side Score: 1
1 point

Atheists won't blow up your towers.

Side: Non-christian theists
1 point

Atheists are complained about much more, but Christians tend to view other religions as being perverted from the truth. (I know this, because I practically grew up in a church.) Also, religious nuts are far more likely to resort to terrorism. Christians don't have any reason to fear their own.

Side: Non-christian theists