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The Syrian opposition Assad & his forces
Debate Score:52
Total Votes:68
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 The Syrian opposition (10)
 Assad & his forces (19)

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SlashinatorX(415) pic

Who are the good guys in the Syrian revolution?

For many months hundreds of thousands of Syrians have been protesting against their government demanding their leader Bashar al Assad to step down & allow a democracy to be established.

But Assad has ordered his military to hunt down & kill the people speaking against him & has killed over 3,500 civilians & put over 50,000 people in prison.

About 10% of Assad's military has defected from him in the past months & is attacking Assad's forces killing around 3-10 loyalist soldiers a day using guerilla warfare.

But he has had several million Syrians in Damascus & around the country have pro-regime ralleys, although I & other anti-Assad activists think he forced them to & that theyre acting.

I am personally disgusted by Assad's atrocities he's committed against his people. I despise of Assad & all his soldiers & I give the Syrian protesters my full support.

But pro-Assad activists say that Assad is the good guy, that most Syrians support him, & that the protesters are Muslim Brotherhood terrorists & the army defectors are Islamic traitors.

So who do you think are the good guys in this uprising?

The Syrian opposition

Side Score: 18

Assad & his forces

Side Score: 34
3 points

OK FIRST., Before we point fingers, we must first look into our history as AMERICANS(Canada and Europe too). WE NEED OIL TO SUSTAIN THE WAY WE LIVE IN OUR MAGICAL WORLD. No oil, no grocery stores, gas, vehicles , no computers, cell phones, houses and every little thing that you , sorry, WE, own and use that you would even think it matters cause your a WESTERN ZOMBIE. We as AMERICANS should be ashammed of of ourselves... WE KILL EACH OTHER, WE PUT EACH OTHER IN JAIL, WE FINE AND SUE EACH OTHER, We have seen corruption in our homes, workplaces, and and the worst our GOVERMENT.

EVERY WAKING DAY YOU WAKE UP AND PREPARE YOURSELF FOR WORK(or so you think).,,WE ARE Fueling the war machine that is the DEVIL. To SERVE AND PROTECT...HA!..i havent needed help from those PRIKS EVER!.. Yet taxes, food, gas prices soar....people are protesting...look at the EURO-ZONE, look at the FISCAL CLIFF... THE Rich get RICHER, THE POOR...well who cares? RIGHT? THATS THE FUCING ATTITUDES 95% of us have now a days.

BASHAR AL ASSAD has the right to protect his country! ISRAEL just did the same thing a week ago with GAZA...saying' we can defend ourselvew from foriegn intervention.'....THERE U HAVE IT! Our governments have a plan...if you pay attention you would realize... LOOK WHERE ALL THE WAR AND FIGHTING HAS BEEN THE PAST 50 years atleast. THE MIDDLE EAST... OK, now, LOOK AT THE ROUTE OUR OIL TANKERS NEED TO TAKE HOME TO " refill the economic tank". ....They go in between europe and north africa(MEDITERRANEAN SEA), down through the RED SEA, out the GULF of ADEN, through the STRAIGHT of HORMUZ, and comes out of SAUDI ARABIA from the PERSIAN GULF.

If you slide your finger along this route...look at tall the countries going under lately...GADAFFII in EYGPT, and its still in trouble, LIBYA, SOMMALLI, IRAQ, SYRIA, ISRAEL, TURKEY, IRAN, LEBANON, GAZA, GREECE, ITALY, FRANCE, SPAIN!!!!! WAKE THE FU*K UP!!! AMERICA , EUROPE, Hell, we need this war! We STARTED THIS 'WAR', Tecnically, We provoke and attack, so, didn't we "BOMB THOSE CHILDREN , not ASSAD?" RUSSIA, CHINA, and NORTH KOREA 100% back BASARD AL ASSAD.! thanks for reading!!! I AM CANADIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: The Syrian opposition
1 point

I believe Assad is trying to keep his country from being over run by terrorist. I don't watch regular tv because our news lies. Remember Hussein did not have missiles of mass destruction

Side: The Syrian opposition
2 points

he murdered children...he tortured old people!!! Tell me, would a four month year old child know the difference between right and wrong?? he ordered his army to kill everyone...not only protesters, but everyone! is that right? i think not..that is not right...everyday he tortures people, he is responsible for allot of deaths..he is no president, he is not even human. i think he has no brain...probably an insane creature. he is the bad guy. nothing will change this fact. he is killing everyone who opposes him. but no matter what he damm il sinne wa7ad!!! willi 3ajabo!

Side: The Syrian opposition
3 points

That is incorrect, a lie and plain anti-Bashar propaganda. Syria was so safe and peaceful until these "rebels" started rioting, in fact, they killed more than they claim Bashar did, they blew up a bus in my home city (I think it was a bus). I bet those protesters are paid to this by the US, think about it, Bashar is known for not signing a peace treaty with Israel and USA is a huge supporter of Israel. My relative's daughter was at gun point and the man started demanding 6 million Syrian pounds, but the mother called and said that they don't have the money so they reduced to five hundred thousand.

Side: Assad & his forces
101kakashi(369) Disputed
3 points

that is not a lie.. is the truth. it is up to you whether you want to believe it or not...this is a debate site..i shall debate based on true statements and facts.

Side: The Syrian opposition
101kakashi(369) Disputed
1 point

well you see..he is simply not normal..dont you see how many children he murdered? children!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what is their fault? what did they do? face the truth darling, all he does is kill kill kill..he even took dead bodies from the hospital in order to disfigure them! he keeps torturing people even after they die! he slaughters them like sheep. and he forces them to say that he is a god! do you fail to see the truth? or are you brainwashed?! just swallow the truth and open your eyes to what is happening! do you think that what he does is normal? speak with conscience not fear!! he is murdering innocent people. he is forcing his army to take hostages..only male hostages, then he takes off their cloth, the army guys rape them and then kill them of course after they torture them more! his army raped young girls. his army ramy raped the hearst the souls and the bodies of all the young girls!!! even the young that normal? no it is not...

Side: The Syrian opposition
2 points

Assad is bad guy ! Assad is bad guy ! Assad is bad guy ! Assad is bad guy ! Assad is bad guy ! Assad is bad guy ! Assad is bad guy ! Assad is bad guy ! Assad is bad guy ! Assad is bad guy ! Assad is bad guy ! Assad is bad guy ! Assad is bad guy ! Assad is bad guy ! Assad is bad guy ! Assad is bad guy ! Assad is bad guy ! Assad is bad guy ! Assad is bad guy ! Assad is bad guy ! Assad is bad guy !

He is no president, he is not even human. i think he has no brain

I support you 101kakashi.

Side: The Syrian opposition
GeorgiePorgi(1) Disputed
1 point

The Prophet Mohammed was a very bad guy indeed. That said, that comment may have been slightly unfair, seeing as his demonstrably poor mental health more than likely rendered him irresponsible for his own actions.

Side: Assad & his forces
africanking(1) Disputed
0 points

your an idiot u have no idea what you are talking about please debate about something you actually know about

Side: Assad & his forces
silverfullbu(15) Disputed
1 point

you are the idiot here. . .

Side: The Syrian opposition
1 point

The Arab Spring, the first big revolution of the 21 century in technologically developed arena, it putting into test all the dynamics of modern society. In the first wave of the revolution we have seen the people using modern communication to promote new ways of organization and protest. Now, in Syria, we also see the regime using all sorts of modern weaponry in its fight to restore the rule of fear over the rebelling population.

Modern Air force and long-range artillery seem to be the ideal weapons for any dictatorship. It requires only few people to operate and wields superior fire power. The operators are not in danger from the small weapons of the guerilla. They don’t see their victims face to face and can easily ignore the destruction and suffering that they cause. They can be kept in closed bases under security surveillance and can be isolated from the revolutionary propaganda.

While the first victories of the Arab Spring lighted revolutionary fires all over the world, the gruel display of violence from Syria bears a paralyzing effect. Maybe the only mistake of the fallen dictators was that they didn’t have the guts to use all their firepower at the critical moment? We are all learning from experience. The result of the Syrian revolution will influence the behavior of all kind of governments that are under the pressure of popular protest. A victory to the bloody tactics of the Assad regime may spell a new period of bloody oppression elsewhere.

Meanwhile Assad has already called the bluff of any pretence of international red lines on the violence of a government against its people. In the last three months, as the regime dropped all its reservations and started systematic bombardment of its cities and villages, all its noisy international critics made every possible gesture to show that they are every busy just now tying their shoe lace.

So it is up for the brave Syrian people (with few international volunteers) to fight it out by themselves – for their own freedom and for the sake of humanity.

Side: The Syrian opposition
FruitLoop Disputed
1 point

You say that the people of Syria need to fight Assad for their freedom but tell me, do you really think that it will get better by toppling Assad? Unfortunately it will not. You say that Assad is a butcher, that the man is a tyrant and you are correct that he is. But, what you fail to realize are that the rebels are not better. The rebels have also massacred many people. The rebels have also been accused of using chemical weapons. The rebels have crossed those same red lines that Assad crossed. The rebels are right wing jihadists who are using terrorists and right wing Islamist extremists from other countries to help them fight this war.

You say that a Government victory will spell a new period of bloody oppression elsewhere but it will actually do the opposite. A Assad victory will bring stability. If Assad wins it will be an end to the Arab Spring and no one else in the Middle East will try to rebel. Fighting in the area will cease. In other countries where the rebels have one or where dictatorships have fallen to democracies, things are not getting better. Libya, is nothing but rubble and a breeding ground for terrorists( some of which attacked the US embassy there ). When Libya was a dictatorship, they had a booming economy and had stability, not only that but Qaddafi had cracked down on the terrorists as well making them almost non existent. In Afghanistan, the dictatorships of the Soviets and the Northern Alliance were driven away by the Taliban. What happened because of that? Years of oppression by the Taliban and 9/11, THAT IS WHAT HAPPENED!

Assad must win or it will just get worse. The rebels are scum and they must be defeated.

Side: Assad & his forces
0 points

Bashar Al-Assar Achmed Hussein Huddihini whatever the hell is name is a dictator, Syria is a dictatorship, which is completely unacceptable. The only right option for a government to be is democratic like America. USA!! USA!!! USA!!!

Side: The Syrian opposition
Dnapolitano(1) Disputed
2 points

Dude, the united states has overthrown at least 10 democratically elected governments. This isnt about democracy. Please know what the hell you are talking about. Because you dont. GO ASSAD, DEFEAT THE CIA's AL QAEDA REBELS

Side: Assad & his forces
1 point

you have a point. this isn't about democracy. if it was about democracy how come the USA has supported so many dictatorships in the past?

its all about sides.... are you a friend of the USA or not? if not you are a horrible person who is either a dictator or trying to make your pure democratic country into a totalitarian state.... take Iran, that was a revolution the people hated their leader but because that leader was a friend of the USA Iran became the enemy.

its sad to say but the politics you see around the world today is similar to gangs, you are either in one gang or another and if one gang can single out an individual and attack them they will, the USA is just a gang leader not the police.

Side: Assad & his forces
ManOfTheHour(1) Disputed
1 point

There is not a single global rule defining dictatorship as evil. America is arguably the least democratic nation in the world where two parties dominate all broadcasting stations. Whatever you have been fed from the media is the great works of the only two parties left in your "democratic" nation. Dictatorship is no reason to revoke someone's power. Neither is this a place to show acts of patriotism. Patriotism is the sole reason for why you are in war with so many nations and the reason for why the Eastern world hates you. I suggest you get your facts down.

There are dictators- ie Assad, who are better at leading than many many leaders of an equal numeral of nations. Assad has done a great job at resisting Americanism in his land and refuses to sell his oil cheap to those who believe in a unipolar world. Remember, USA was formed by those who came from nations with dictators.

Side: Assad & his forces

I love Bashar Al-Assad those "rebels" are mostly mercenaries (probably NATO paid mercenaries) before my country was so peaceful but now kids are constantly being held for ransom, people have to carry rifles to protect themselves, people are starving, prices have risen. Before you could literally go any where you want with out any fear.

Side: Assad & his forces
3 points

Like any conflict it cannot be reduced to good guys and bad guys, thats a ridiculous notion, as for who is worse in this conflcit im not, Assad is a dictator, he was never the worst dictator until this started happening, but from his point of view he sees groups (largely western and Saudi Arabian backed) attacking his country, and trying to dispose him, and thushis response has been brutal, and most likely disproportionate, im not saying this is the reality. There is also an internal power struggle going on in the country, but i would err on the side of westerb backed terrorism being one of the greatest causes of the instability, not that condones the savagery of the Assad regime, but as usual the reality depcited on western media, with the Us being the must fictitious (as usual) is worlds apart from what is really going on there.

Side: Assad & his forces
3 points

Assad and his forces are fighting against an Islamo-Fascist rebellion. It is difficult to read some unclear debates in this topic as they have many errors- both factual and grammatical. The rebels are those longing to institutionalize an Islamic government, which arguably benefits the Western world, thus dictating their support.

The government of the United States of America has supported revolutionary Islamic forces several times in the past, including Al-Qaeda. The US had armed these revolutionary soldiers to fight off the Red Army without spilling the blood of their own men. The reason for why Afghanistan was so important- oil. If the Red Army seized much of the oil supply in the Eastern World, the United States would be forced to buy off of their Cold War opponents, thus, fueling the Red Army's economy. Though this worked brilliantly in the short term, fate had it that the US would take two steps too far. The Islamic extremists were determined to rid their land of all Eastern influence to preserve it for "Allah." Though the war rages on in Afghanistan and Iraq today, the Afghans will never forget the aid of the US, thus selling cheap oil.

The think tanks of the US today are after the same mistake- help the Islamics to purchase cheap oil. The media landscape severely sensors this for the security of their nation's intentions. The rebellion against Assad is a religious rebellion. Assad is not a Shia, like the rebels but of Alawite belief. His act against the institutionalization of an Islamic Republic sparked outrage in the residing Islamics, thus sparking the civil war.

The rebels have killed much much more women and children than Assad. They use women and children as meat shields after raiding their homes to seek shelter and sniper points. Those killed by Assad's forces are either from collateral damage or those caught in crossfire from engagements initiated by the rebels.

Assad is against racism, discrimination of all (not just women) and a sealed, forced religious state.

Side: Assad & his forces
2 points

OK I am new here but this topic is critical to the world today.

May I start by saying I am no fan of dictatorships, that I believe democracy is one of the best forms of government ever created. But can I also point out that Western democracy and eastern dictatorships are an imagined concept.

I would like to remind you that during the cold war one American Politician said "it does not matter if he's a son of a B#### so long as he is our son of a B####". But the cold war is over right? wrong, its just the enemies are different now, its Russia not the soviets, China a former ally and Iran! if you are an ally of theirs you are an enemy of the west. Assad is an ally of Russia! Syria has Russia's only Mediterranean sea base, Russia's only foot hold in the middle east! Syria borders Israel and hates her! Syria has oil lots of oil!

Do I need to be more clear? does there need to be more reasons? the USA does not make allies of people because they are democratic, it who your friends are; El Salvador for instance, had a terrible dictatorship! There were death squads, genocide and repression, But the US supported them, gave them weapons and training, the CIA even advised them on how to cover up the killings, that is until the public found out. if Assad was an ally of the USA it would be the same there right now.

look at the Arab spring and where was most effected... Tunisia (started there no huge problems); Egypt, which never was friends with Israel; Libya, the west hated Gaddafi; and Syria, which I have already explained. NOT Saudi Arabia, although Saudi Arabia has one of the most repressive and totalitarian regimes in the region. oh right but they are firm allies of the west. Aren't those American AFV's and tanks they are using to put down the riots?

I think that we have all overlooked the obvious, the west hates Assad because he does not like us. We have fanned the flames of war because of some old cold war values which should not even apply today... this is the 21st century we don't need to have wars like these.

and if you don't believe the west can be the real bad guy... I have plenty of examples to get through.

Side: Assad & his forces
2 points

It is well documented that the United States has a history of intervening where they have no business being. Libya, now Syria, and soon to be Iran... Do you see the pattern? Why do you think the media has been portraying all people of a middle-eastern decent as radical terrorists? Look back to television twenty years ago, same shit. Why does every foiled "terrorist plot" happen to be created by a man of a middle eastern decent? And why were the first suspects in the Boston Bombing Islamic? I hope by now you all have seen enough evidence to know this was a false flag, and the Tsarnaev brothers were innocent yet treated as guilty to cover the government's asses. This event only added to the distaste us westerners have for middle easterns, ironically right on que for the start of the Syrian revolution... Why doesn't the mainstream media show us what's going on there?? Why did Obama send NATO & CIA operatives to train rebel forces there?? Gadaffi had to deal with the same thing... His people loved him, all up until some random rebels decided they wanted to kill him... Think about that for a second... The leader of a freaking country was killed without trial in cold blood, yet if you ask anyone in America they probably wouldn't know that... That doesn't just happen. They tell us what they want us to know, so when we're not told something; you can bet they don't want us to know about it. Aka why this revolution is not displayed all over the news while Justin Bieber being a bad driver is. Iran has recently deployed 15,00 troops to help Assad fight off these rebels. And once Assad falls and Syria is taken and turned into a "democracy", Iran will be the next target. Do you see the pattern? It's all for a CENTRALIZED ONE WORLD SYSTEM. Why do you think every country in the world except Cuba, North Korea and Iran are under a centralized Rothschild bank already? Oh and gee, would you look at that list... Not that those are the United States main enemies at this point and time even though they pose no threat to us whatsoever... If you in this day and age still don't believe in the NWO and that the United States is terribly corrupt and run by a select group of higher-ups (world elite bankers) then you need to seriously reconsider your life, get up off your ass and stop watching television. Stop listening to everything the news says, and start doing your own research... We all start off oblivious; accepting that there are things we don't know is the first step. The second step is doing the necessary research and studying to learn and know about these things... Step three is sharing this knowledge with others so that they may undergo the same process you have. It's called the knowledge bug. SPREAD IT.

Side: Assad & his forces
1 point

I will admit, I believe Assad is a dictator and is a terrible person. I know there are no such thing as good guys and bad guys and even though I hate the man with a passion, I want Assad and government forces to crush the rebellion. The rebels are not who they say they are.

The rebels talk of democracy, they talk about how they want rights, but that is not the case. The truth is( and I am not trying to be harsh but it has to be said ) Islam and democracy do not mix. What ends up happening is the rebels start out wanting democracy, but end up becoming radical right wing islamist extremists who are link to terrorist networks. Right now in Syria, many of the rebels are actually armed terrorists.

If the rebels win, they will call themselves a "democracy" but all they will be is a country where the radicals are in full command who have no idea what they are doing and their country will just become worse.

There are many examples that prove this. Afghanistan is first. Rebels push out the soviet government and then several years later BAM!, the Taliban is in charge and we all know how bad they are. Second example is Libya. Rebels in Libya kill their dictator and try to install a democracy. What happens? Right wing Islamist extremists take control of the country and our embassy ends up getting attacked. Third example is Egypt. Everyone wanted a democracy, instead they got the Muslim Brotherhood which didn't do crap. Now the military is in charge again and things over there are looking better.

I cannot emphasize this enough but the Rebels will be worse. If they win, Syria will become a breeding ground for terrorist networks and the country will become a security threat to the rest of the world. And if the rebels get their hands on Assad's chemical weapons, I suggest that everyone in a major city wear a gas mask because it's gonna get a little anthraxy outside.

As you can see if the rebels win, it will just get worse than it is already. Even though the Assad family are horrible people, they can do something that almost no other government in the middle east can do... and that is provide stability. If Assad and the government win, It will end up being a win for everyone.

Side: Assad & his forces
1 point

They aren't. But neither side is good. I pick this side because the majority team with the rebels. but look at Iraq, Libya.. They're complete wrecks. Dictator or not, Syria would probably be better off with Assad...

Side: Assad & his forces
1 point

Even if there really once were some idealistic democrats among the so-called Arab Spring rebels, any group that continues to fight Assad's government forces today while ignoring the vastly greater danger of ISIS is in effect supporting the latter. Whatever one thinks of the admittedly despotic regime, it is secular and relatively enlightened, and up to the present turbulence, provided much-needed stability. Apart from the Kurds in the north, Assad's forces are Syria's only hope. The Russians are right to support them - if only from enlightened self-interest!

Side: Assad & his forces
1 point

Assad didn't start the whole war thing. The Syrian rebels protested and caused everything to go chaotic. If the Syrian rebels were to cool it down for a little while, Syria would be calmer and the government would be fairer. Assad is just trying to keep Syria in tact. Who doesn't like to show people that they're boss?

Side: Assad & his forces