
Debate Info

Debate Score:109
Total Votes:166
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 Who do you think is the most pointless person on CD? (27)

Debate Creator

Saurbaby(5502) pic

Who do you think is the most pointless person on CD?

XD It tells us to stir up the pot. Plus I'm bored, I gave my night to work to someone else and got no plans. entertain me?

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11 points

I think it's funny and ironic that the down-voters option has (-6) points.

Side: Thewayitis
10 points

Hey! That is pretty funny and ironic. XD


Side: Thewayitis
6 points

Thewayitis - without a doubt this is the most ignorant, bigoted, cowardly person on CD. All he does is pose one sided arguments, make false claims, debate about things about which he has no understanding of, will retreat and never respond if you raise valid and coherent arguments and he is absolutely impossible to reason with.

Side: Thewayitis
10 points

As much as I and the majority of CD dislike thewayitis(n't), there was someone here who was much worse: Enlightened1

Side: Thewayitis
5 points

I remember Enlighten1ed, but I think Christjesus was worse when he debate-spammed the site to get loads of points.

Side: Thewayitis
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
-7 points
Nautilus(629) Disputed
4 points

Just because you don't understand reality, doesn't mean everyone else doesn't as well. There is a reason you are down voted so heavily.

Side: Down-voters
2 points

I would say the site spammers. They lurk around in the early morning hours and leave a trail of filth that needs to be cleaned up every morning!

Side: Spammers
1 point

LOL! I agree with that... there was an online casino one the other day... I don't know if you saw that one. Do you want us to report them?

Side: Spammers
1 point

Yes please, let me know when you see them. I have been trying to keep an eye out for them. Lately it was the bead and handbag lady and then the casino/poker crowd.


Side: Spammers
2 points

Anyone who is slanderous, lacks intellect, and of course anyone whom exceeds me in points.

Side: Spammers
1 point

I haven't been on here long enough to say anyone here is pointless...wait except for the freakin bead lady and the computer software guy and of course the people who cowardly down point you and then don't explain why they are doing it! Would you look at that I have been here long enough LOL

Side: Spammers
-7 points
2 points

No doubt dude! What's up with all the cowardly down voters? They're only taking points away from themselves.

Side: Down-voters
0 points

You speak real words of wisdom, indeed .

Side: Down-voters