
Debate Info

Abby Lizzie
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:12
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 Abby (6)
 Lizzie (6)

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AbbyNestor(1028) pic

Who is correct ? Abby or Lizzie (Number 2)

Abby: It would make more sense for God to be non existent. 

Lizzie: Well I think God was just an extraterrestrial. 

Abby: No way. How so? 

Lizzie: Well if an advanced civilization existed and came to earth with more scientific knowledge than we have then things in the bible would make sense. Like an alien that tried to civilize us with these stories and they may be true. But the time refferences were just made up in order to make us believe he is more powerful than anything imaginable. 

Abby: I think it was just big bang then us. No divine intervention what so ever or extraterrestrial intervention.

Lizzie: But you have to admit, this would make somethings in the bible clear and we could understand why there may be contradictions and what not in the bible.

Abby: True. But I think most people would rather believe than that didnt occur in any way shape or form. 

Lizzie: Well I think God is an extraterrestrial and you think that this never happened like it was just big bang and thats it. Right? 

Abby:  Yep.


Which event makes more sense to you?


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 6

As opposed to what I said on the Lizzie side though, that still raises the question of where the aliens who advanced us, and gave us religion came from.

So I believe you both have a nice bit to piecing together our existence.

Side: Abby
1 point

Nope. Neither of you are right. I'm right. And I say that the earth blew up one day, and the earth's gravity drew it self back in, and when it recreated it self, by chance a bible formed! And everyone worshiped it! Yay! No, this was all a lie. These debates you're making are odd and could go either way. Actually, they could even go both ways. WHY U SO CRAZY! o.o Maybe it's just me?

Side: Abby
1 point

I'm not one to believe in the bible and I have seen weird things in my day but never an Alien. To me the one who coined the word alien was a Lie'n. not o discredit Liz either though. I'm kind of on the fence.

Side: Abby

I think Lizzie's theory so to speak is more probable than the supernatural, however Lizxie's theory is unconvincing itself.

Side: Abby
0 points

I'm not one to believe in the bible and I have seen weird things in my day but never an Alien. To me the one who coined the word alien was a Lie'n. not o discredit Liz either though. I'm kind of on the fence.

Side: Abby

Aliens came. Advanced the DNA of the predominant life form, which must have been our early ancestors, then after one of the first specimens disobeyed, or maybe it was repeated offenses, the aliens left. Maybe only to return in the form of prophets years later. It fills in the blanks that the Big Bang leaves about religion just springing up.

Side: Lizzie
1 point

I don't think everything can come from nothing. I believe it is a cycle of Karmic energy all put back and forth for eternity.

Side: Lizzie
Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point

I really hope you're serious and not just prodigee. We have so many different views on this site, but I don't think I met any buddhists yet.

Side: Abby
Buddhist(318) Clarified
1 point

I don't understand what you mean by prodigee? ......................................

Side: Abby
Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

How dare you slander someone just because they are new. .

Side: Abby

Both stories do make sense. I would see the extraterrestrial theory being more believable. Mostly because it cleans up things in the bible.

Side: Lizzie

It does make a good point. It would make christian beliefs possible and sort of make he bible stories sound true.

Side: Lizzie

I like Lizzie's view point. However there isnt much of a way to prove it.

Side: Lizzie
1 point

It just...makes more sense in my opinion .

Side: Lizzie