
Debate Info

Excessively Gullible People Excessively Skeptical People
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:14
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 Excessively Gullible People (8)
 Excessively Skeptical People (4)

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atypican(4873) pic

Who is worse off?

Excessively Gullible People

Side Score: 9

Excessively Skeptical People

Side Score: 5
2 points

Being skeptical does mean you won't trust many people - but it doesn't mean you won't trust anyone. Skeptical people still have a small circle of people they trust, and that is the best really, certainly better than just trusting anyone and everyone.

Side: Excessively Gullible People

Well, an excessively skeptical person can still think rationally. Someone who is gullible, obviously can't find the rational solution to most things...being tricked easily and what not.

Side: Excessively Gullible People
atypican(4873) Disputed
1 point

That's one way of looking at it. Are you speaking from any kind of experience with excessively skeptical people when you state that they can still think rationally? If so what are some signs that a person is excessively skeptical?

Side: Excessively Skeptical People

A gullible person can be easily fooled and therefore easily humiliated, ripped off and exploited.

Side: Excessively Gullible People
1 point

it's really sad watching them go down when things don't go their way. :/ pitiful!

Side: Excessively Gullible People
1 point

I believe excessively gullible is much worse than excessively skeptical because the former is more likely to be take advantage of.

Side: Excessively Gullible People
1 point

They are surrounded by people they don't trust. What could be worse?

Side: Excessively Skeptical People
Intangible(4934) Clarified
2 points

And how is that a bad thing?

Side: Excessively Gullible People
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

How about being surrounded by people they can't trust while being wholly convinced that they can trust them?

Side: Excessively Gullible People
2 points

Well that pretty much destroys that argument. You try arguing on this side!

Side: Excessively Skeptical People