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 Why Do Atheists Debate Theists? (35)

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eztone123(15) pic

Why Do Atheists Debate Theists?

Why Do Atheists Care What Others Believe?

Why Do Atheists Debate Theists?

Why Do Atheists Ask for Proof of God?

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2 points

Well maybe because they have opposing beliefs. If they just debated amongst themselves, it'd be boring and unproductive.

As the debate creator is a theist, and aimed this debate at atheists, perhaps the question should be "Why do theists debate atheists?".

2 points

Atheists are a broad demographic, some are anti-religious because they believe religion does more harm than good and that the good it does do can be done by something else and thus they combat what they believe is a threat. Others simply want a good argument for something to believe in, others find joy in debating, etc. All of that can be summed up as personal interest, which considering the influence of religion its good and natural to have some interest in it.

2 points

I debate theists because my life is effected negatively by theists everyday. The pledge of allegiance, U.S. currency, government benefits for married male/female couples, all of these things have religious influence even while they shouldn't. The interference of Religion with my daily life is why I debate theists.

1 point

Because they're soft targets?


Side: They're easy
1 point

They fear for the theists' sanity.

Side: if there were a god he'd be atheist
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

Aaaah! You've found us out! ._.

Not to nitpick, but if atheists were scared, wouldn't we not argue?

Anyway, while the sanity behind believing in something that not a one of the 6 billion people on earth has ever found an ounce of proof for, based on various books written before plumbing, and that in many cases still insists god made us out of clay 2000 years ago despite all evidence to the contrary, is pretty pretty convincing,

I'm going to go ahead and speak for most atheists I think, and say "sanity" is not the problem when it comes to theism.

Side: if there were a god he'd be atheist
1 point

Honestly I don't think that atheists argue with theists for any one unified reason. It was more of a joke than anything.

Not to nitpick, but if atheists were scared, wouldn't we not argue?

I was taught that if there's something to fear, there's something to fix.

Anyway, while the sanity behind believing in something that not a one of the 6 billion people on earth has ever found an ounce of proof for, based on various books written before plumbing, and that in many cases still insists god made us out of clay 2000 years ago despite all evidence to the contrary, is pretty pretty convincing,

Of course it is. The evidence against those dusty texts is discovered by curious and sane people.

Side: if there were a god he'd be atheist
1 point

probably because they want everyone to join them in their rebel community

Side: if there were a god he'd be atheist