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 Why Do You Use this Site? (15)

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Pantagruel(984) pic

Why Do You Use this Site?

I'm really curious, considering that the forum-type "debates" get dozens of submissions, whereas the actual debates get few, if any.
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3 points

To debate. And I welcome all disagreement. That's what it's about. And I promise I will never ban any respondent to one of my debates unless they were making dangerous threats to someone.

And I came here to try this site out because other recent debate sites I'd used for years - Forandagainst, and Yickyak - had attendance dwindle and seemed tapped out at least for now. In comparison I'd say this site has life left to it, though it does have trolls and extremists and people more eager to ban than to debate.

I think I'll stay awhile.

And I promise to be a good citizen. I'm not looking to screw anyone around.

2 points

We think alike evn though we don't always agree.. I don't "ban" (I'm not that afraid that someone will disagree with me). I'm amazed that their are so many adults(?) that are.

1 point

Cheers to you. I look forward to our not always agreeing. Which also means I look forward to the times we indeed will agree.

2 points

I've asked myself that same question many, many times and yet....

1 point

Ditto. .

1 point

I use this site to debate.

This might seem funny, considering that the only people who ever reply to my arguments are trolls, but I really want an actual debate.

Will nobody offer me a legitimate debate?

I do go on this website to tell shitty jokes but I do enjoy a good debate. Also, If you want a serious debate to get noticed, Keep posting on it till someone like cartman notices.

1 point

To get my point across. Some people need to know the harsh reality of things. Also, I see ladylinktard is on here :/.

2 points

"Ladylinktard" ? Really ? You can do better then that mate.

AlofRI(3294) Disputed
1 point

I se that robotkeeper is here also, not debating, just spreading juvenile rhetoric around his (her?) playground.

I like the friendly and not so friendly banter I get from members on various topics of interest.

1 point

So I can speak without stepping on the eggshells.

1 point

it provides a platform where one can put his views in front of others and can have the counters where a healthy and fair debate can go on . in my case it is sometimes difficult to hear others perceptions which seems to be bullshit and nothing else and i want to be passive to guys of such kind

IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
1 point

Out of curiosity, what's your political affiliation?

I hate being untruthful.

I use this site to be truthful.

I this this site to be honest.

I use this site because I like nature.

I use this site because I see things from strange to ordinary.

Yes, TrumpsHair, I know you were expecting me to say that I use this site to troll people, I know what you're like.

1 point

I use this site to study how humans interact when they disagree or agree. Then, I use that information to do one of three things, which is picked pseudorandomly based on the time in milliseconds of the world clock (gmt):

1-59: Give a real answer, my real feelings/views on the debate

60-79: Play devils advocate, either as a mental exercise or to study the reactions of people I agree with

80-99: Troll