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 Why does the Left never see how failed their Liberal ideology? Are they stupid or evil? (23)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

Why does the Left never see how failed their Liberal ideology? Are they stupid or evil?

We all have seen how terrible Obamacare has been, yet the Democrat Party refuses to admit it. They just ignore the insurance companies dropping out from the exchanges. They just ignore the huge $10,000 deductibles and huge premiums while saying the plan just needs a little tweeking. $10,000 deductibles and huge premiums means that you HAVE NO INSURANCE WHEN YOU GET SICK! 

The middle class can no longer afford health insurance while Democrats keep telling us how they gave insurance to 20 million people with medicaid. The middle class can no longer afford insurance for their families because they must subsidise lower income people who now have insurnce while the middle class does not.

Now Democrats say the GOP must keep these 20 million people insured EVEN THOUGH the entire Obamacare system is collapsing because we can not afford to give those people free insurance. So ask yourself how can a good plan give everyone free healthcare?

After eight long years of a failed Liberal administration, terrible foreign policy, doubled national debt, failed schools, failed inner cities, failed welfare system with record numbers of people on food stamps, record numbers of children with no fathers home, cop assasinations and riots in the street once more, failed race relations, etc., etc., what did they do when Trump won? Did they get the message?
No, they doubled down, made ultra Liberal Nancy Pelosi their minority leader, and have made it their goal to obstruct Trump in anything he does no matter how good for America.

So the question... is the Left that totally mindlessly stupid, or are they extremist Leftists bent on transformong America to yet one more failed Socialistic Europen nation, led by the united nations. You tell me, and ask yourself why the Left thinks money grows on trees.
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2 points

Hello C:

It's like I was telling my friend, From..... LIBERHALS is STOOPID and EBIL. Amirit??


2 points

It is stupidity.

Way to make excon accurate. Thanks for that. The idiot probably won't shut up now.

Liberalism's heart is based on rebellion against traditional America. They want to watch it burn. They don't care if we all burn, as long as the right burns. That's why we handed them Donald Trump. If it's all going to burn, we're going to at least watch it burn on our terms.

excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Hello bront:

Liberalism's heart is based on rebellion against traditional America.


NAILED IT!!! I LOVE being compared to the founders of this great nation..


5 points

Your assessment is the equivalent of saying airplanes and motorbikes are the same because they have wheels....

That might make sense if the founders hadn't been further right than the right that you see today. Our fathers were in rebellion against the European way of thinking. The left embraces European thinking. Our founding fathers would have opposed the modern Democratic Party to the death, literally. Imagine telling Washington that we should be more like Great Britain.

1 point

As I said in an earlier rant of yours, America was at its greatest when Democrats were largely in power. Not until Reagan and the alt-right conservatives did the country begin to come down! It's the ideology of hate and obstruction, of our way or the highway, of the right wing anti-government movement that conservatives live that has destroyed U.S. (Almost)! THAT is stupid and evil! One Party? Hitler, Stalin, Putin, Castro, That's the way THEY like it, like YOU do!

2 points

So when the KKK was at its height were the glory days, and when it lost its power was the fall. Got it. You can't say in one breath that the KKK was "the old Democratic Party" that is reformed now, and then claim that same era of the Democratic Party was the glory days. It's a logical fallacy.

1 point

"It's the ideology of hate and obstruction"


I know. Hatred for the white race, the cops, and the flag doesn't count. It's only hate if it's directed towards people who are not white, not male, not conservative, and not Christian. We figured that out about the left a long time ago.

1 point

"of our way or the highway"


The liberal media and Hollywood has shown us what our way or the highway looks like to a "t". So... which side is constantly doing marches, inciting violence, burning buildings and cars, and shutting down speakers from the other side with violence and intimidation again?

1 point

"of the right wing anti-government movement that conservatives live that has destroyed U.S."


No. We respect the police, the military, and the rule of law. It's your side trying to muzzle the 2nd amendment and free speech.

1 point



The Nazis muzzled free speech, turned the church into its enemy, allied with Islam in WWII, used intimidation to silence its opposition, had a "political speech", demonized the Russians, and demonized Israel. I don't think you want to have that debate.

1 point



Using a mass murdering Atheist who killed 30 million people to try and demonize the religious right probably isn't a good debate for liberals to partake in.

1 point



What? The man that the liberal media praised and romanticized as some kind of "icon"? Say it aint so.

1 point



Uh huh. You need to go watch old footage of the Democrats and Obama ridiculing Mitt Romney for saying Russia was our biggest geo-political threat and calling Republicans delusional war mongers. It gives me a laugh to go watch it now and again for giggles. And looky here. I've provided the footage for you.

Such convenient people is a precious commodity. Trump is a lucky man to have it.

Except that, I expect US to be put on a leash for climate change. Your hyped intensional reputation shall suffer as people worldwide see that America mainly consists of nuts. If it continues, then the educated countries which don't like it will have no trouble with fighting ideological western influence. And related stuff.

1 point

Uh huh. That's why conservatives want a wall and a hault to mindless immigration. Because we don't want to mess with the crazies of foreign cultures, and their countries are theirs to run, as is ours.