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I agree, It's a myth (LIES)We are overpopulated.
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:10
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 I agree, It's a myth (3)
 (LIES)We are overpopulated. (4)

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Warjin(1577) pic

World over population is a myth.

One may argue if we are indeed over populated here on Earth, but fact are proving this to be wrong, I think we are being lead to think that we are over populated so the global powers have a better grip on society.

I agree, It's a myth

Side Score: 4

(LIES)We are overpopulated.

Side Score: 4
1 point

I agree.

If you see someone who wants us to start killing people to lower the world population, just say:

"Good, Let's start with You."

Side: I agree, It's a myth
harleyhwy(12) Disputed
1 point

Anyone who advocates the selective killing of people to cull the herd is a sociopath. However, you must agree that we are all complicit of a sort of de facto culling of the herd via famine, disease and wars.

Let's say somehow we all just suddenly decided to get along. Everyone, everywhere, decided to be sustainable, co-operative, generous and altruistic. Would there still be enough resources for everyone? Would we generate a sustainable amount of waste?

Side: (LIES)We are overpopulated.
1 point

when you take a long road trip to another country in Africa you pass quite a large amount of unused land

Side: I agree, It's a myth
1 point

people who think the world is over populated are the people should be taken to Africa they just living in a place full of people

Side: I agree, It's a myth
1 point

It is true that we could fit the world's population in the state of Texas and it would have a population density about that of New York city (Not comfortably). However physical space is far from the only resource that people want or need. It is merely one item on a massive list. The more people there are, the more thinly certain resources are spread. The overabundance of people is taking it's toll on the environment in a number of serious ways. Not the least of which is driving other species to extinction by pushing into and disturbing ecosystems. The world's rainforests have been slashed down at an alarming rate, which itself causes other problems. Overpopulation also strains the world's supply of clean drinking water: 0,8599,2097159,00.html

And we're already farming some 80% of arable land.

Supporting Evidence: 6 Important Things You Didn't Know We're Running Out Of (
Side: (LIES)We are overpopulated.
1 point

This whole argument should be a non-starter. There is a limit to just about everything. Look at many cities in China and India that are some of the most polluted places on earth. Even if every human was taught the most sustainable practices, their consumption, natural resource usage and waste has consequences.

Side: (LIES)We are overpopulated.
1 point

Ha! That entire video's argument was based on the fact that three predictions of population growth were off. But at the end, he then cites another prediction of population growth as fact to support his weak argument. You can't have it both ways.


Regardless, there were no facts in that argument. It was all ad hominem. Some people thought the earth's circumference was only in the hundreds of miles. Does that mean that the earth therefore doesn't exist?! This is a ridiculous counterargument.

And Malthus was an economist.

Side: (LIES)We are overpopulated.