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Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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sarvesh(43) pic

alcohol should be illegal

alcohol is very dangerous for Many people spend their money on alcohol instead of changing their living standard.It may cause violance too


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 6

Too many car fatalities along with violent domestic disturbances can be attribute to alcohol.

Side: yes

All you need is a basic understanding of cause and effect to understand why alcohol shouldn't be illegal.

Remember how prohibition worked out in America? Yeah that's right, some idiots voted to make alcohol illegal, so the liquor got stronger, the gangs got bigger and many people had their lives ruined and ended over it... you want to back to that?

Side: no
2 points

Yeah, true dat.

If only marijuana can be legal as well. Many states and cities are already decriminalized and what not, however, federally I just wish they'd stop it and let it be. Set rules like "no smoking and driving (DUI)", or "no toking on school property", and still give the private sectors their freedom whilst giving those whom would rather smoke a joint than drink a beer, or whatever.

In my opinion, alcohol is more damaging to both the mind and the body, and more significant more traumatic to society in terms of drunk driving and "accidental" deaths involving alcoholic endeavors.

Side: no

This was tried before. The result was an era that practically revolved around illegally getting alcohol. People will usually rebel when something they are used to having, is made illegal.

Side: no

NOOOOOO!!!! Hopefully in 1 year from now I can have a drink again <3333

Side: no
1 point

No, it wouldn't work, they would just ignore the law, and buy smuggled alcohol. You might however limit it.

Side: no