
Debate Info

chickfila mcdonalds
Debate Score:21
Total Votes:21
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 chickfila (16)
 mcdonalds (1)

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madisonm(14) pic

chickfila vs mickeyds

Chickfila is a higher class drive thru with incredible food.


Side Score: 20


Side Score: 1
2 points

rumors are spreading that mcdonalds make their food with pink slime..

Side: chickfila
1 point

Disgusting what they do to our food. I will never eat McD or BK.

Side: chickfila
LittleMisfit(1745) Clarified
1 point

They stopped using pink slime in 2011

Side: chickfila
2 points

McDonald's is a very unhealthy environment with food and cleanliness , do you want to eat slime ?

Side: chickfila
2 points

i think chickfila is better than McDonald's because their chicken nuggets are better

Side: chickfila
2 points

me personally belive all foods have gmos or some type of bad ingredients but mcdonalds lets be honest they have too many dont get me wrong the food mayb be good but there too much

Side: chickfila
1 point

chick -fil-la is make with real chi ken with no artificial growth hormones and is encourages people to eat more chicken

Side: chickfila
1 point

Chickflia has healthier chicken. Mcdonalds chicken goes through a factory and has a lot of GMOs. Also Mcdonalds chicken has a lot of unhealthy chemicals

Side: chickfila
1 point

It is healthier. I appreciate how they give their employees Sundays off to worship if they like. But in general, tastes WAAYYYYYYYYY better. McDonalds food wont even spoil lol.

Side: chickfila
1 point

So the other day I went to McDonald's and i bite Thru my chicken sandwich and something hard went in my mouth. True story

Side: chickfila
1 point

i swear jamia chickfila nuggets better than anybodies but all this food talking making me hungry

Side: chickfila
1 point

McDonalds food is so so so so so so so so so nast and fake !!!!!!

Side: chickfila
1 point

chickfila has a more faster drive thru and better tasting food

Side: chickfila
1 point

McDonald's is nasty but people are brainwashed into believing it's good and cheaper than other fast food dumps.

Side: chickfila
1 point

I've never eaten at a chickfila and I'll still pick it over mickeyds. .....................................

Side: chickfila

tastes much better and you dont leave feeling sick ..............................

Side: chickfila
1 point

Better food, they've done a lot of charitable work too, including bringing free drinks to people stuck in traffic and opening on Sunday to bring free food to people donating blood to the Orlando Shooting victims. That's just a few things.

Mainly though, holy cow their lemonade is AMAZING!!!

Side: chickfila

although chickfila has much better food, they also have these creepy religious nuts saying its their pleasure to serve you .

Side: mcdonalds