
Debate Info

no yes
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:15
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 no (5)
 yes (4)

Debate Creator

feelingtruth(2776) pic

do you respond quickly to arguments?

theres just so many arguments to reply to, its like never ending sometimes

Sorry if i dont reply to anyone who replies to me in a debate, im not ignoring you its just....



Side Score: 6


Side Score: 8

Nope, depending on your skill, I take my time then take a wine for relaxation

Side: no
1 point

I would like to say that I always take the time. I do that most of the time, but if I get too eager it's hard not to insta-dispute. But I think it's kind of rude to respond too quickly. Actually, it's very important to understand exactly where people are coming from before forming an opinion about it, and that takes time and patience.

Side: no

No. It is a little hard on your phone. Everything takes a bit longer. So I usually stay with the debate I am most interested in amd work my way down.

Side: no
1 point

I don't really care enough to offer that kind of service.

Side: no

I respond slowly because I am retarded.

Side: no

Let me get back to you on this. ;)

Side: yes

you sir have probably just won the greatest argument in the history of arguments, now prepare for a mass influx of upvotes

Side: yes
1 point

It depends on the situation and whether I have had my coffee for the day. ;)

Side: yes
1 point

Most of the time I do, but not all of the time. It genrally takes about 5 minutes.

Side: yes