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Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 yes (3)
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11wolf(679) pic

do you think its weird to smile most of the times



Side Score: 3


Side Score: 5

If they are smiling for no reason or just smiling to hide something then yeah. If you are a "Greeter", then no.

Side: yes

Especially him....

Side: yes
1 point

Look at me... come on... look at me. Yeah, that's right, I'm smiling all the time.

Side: yes
1 point

No, I don't think it's weird to smile most of the time. I actually smile a lot when I meet someone I haven't met before. (:

Side: no
1 point


Side: no
1 point

How is that creepy?

Side: no
1 point

it is not odd for me if you are happy you will be able to smile most of the times and that does not make you look like a goofy , on contrary for being sad you do not smile at all .

Side: no

Smiling is contagious. If someone has that gift to smile all the time, what a wonderful person he or she is.

Side: no