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DEL681651's Reward Points: 70

Points When What Where
2 Added Argument If there is one thing or person in this world that you despise, what or who is it?
2 Added Argument Is it too early to tag Obama as the best or worst president in US History?
1 Added Argument If you had three wishes in life you could have right now, what would they be?
2 Added Argument The American Revolution
1 Added Argument Would you blow up convicted criminals to save yourself?
1 Added Argument Will Sarah Palin run for the Presidency in 2012?
1 Added Argument Will Sarah Palin run for the Presidency in 2012?
2 Added Argument Greatest Living American
1 Added Argument We´d get a better set of people into politics with a lottery then with modern elections
1 Added Argument Friedman On the Government (small quote)
1 Added Argument Should physical education be mandatory in schools?
1 Added Argument Are Animals Equal to Humans?
1 Added Argument Should tobacco companies be forced to place pictures of cancer on cigarette packs?
5 Created Debate Should the United States withdraw from the United Nations
1 Added Argument Do you agree with Texas' Congressman Paul's Straight Talk
2 Added Argument Junk food taxes
2 Added Argument Should the age to vote be reduced to 16?

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