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JugsNThugs's Reward Points: 226

Points When What Where
3 Created Debate If I have robots & you have to pay $15 an hour, will my company crush yours?
1 Created Debate Should there be a law saying you must wear a seatbelt?
1 Added Argument Do you like or hate the idea of assimilation?
2 Created Debate Can a nation progress in the wrong direction?
1 Added Argument Ask why Democrats care so much for illegal immigrants, but nothing for viable babies.
5 Created Debate You can pay more taxes voluntarily, so why don't libs do it?
1 Added Argument How can it be demonstrated directly that Hitler practiced socialism?
-1 Downvoted Argument In what way is a wall immoral and according to what?
-1 Downvoted Argument If Obama founded ISIS, FOX News says Trump is the REFOUNDER of ISIS
1 Added Argument If Obama founded ISIS, FOX News says Trump is the REFOUNDER of ISIS
-1 Downvoted Argument If Obama founded ISIS, FOX News says Trump is the REFOUNDER of ISIS
-1 Downvoted Argument If Obama founded ISIS, FOX News says Trump is the REFOUNDER of ISIS
1 Created Debate Best of Rusticus crashing and burning like a dumpster fire
1 Created Debate Best of Rusticus crashing and burning like a dumpster fire
1 Added Argument Are you FOR immigration?

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