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RSS 1300125486

Reward Points:7
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

true but also they did something wrong and they chose to do that so they have to pay up to the death penalty

1 point

Even if its true students should have a choice but it also gives students to stay fit also in this fact found in the link below " it is important for young students to stay physically fit." and also it helps your body move better and it teaches the importance of physical health.

Supporting Evidence: Should Physical Education Be required (
2 points

I agree that PE should be required my fact towards that is " it is important for young students to stay physically fit." And it will make them more healthier. also... "The rise of obesity in young children has become a growing" mostly. And another fact is " Without the knowledge and prior experience, we may be setting our children up to make unhealthy choices which will follow them right into adulthood." which is true.

Supporting Evidence: Should Physical Education Be required (
2 points

I disagree because "There are currently a total of 60 orcas held in captivity (27 wild-captured plus 33 captive-born)" These animals were taken from their families and in SeaLand they were put into a small space which was "12 foot deep -- that was barely large enough for him to turn around in" one article said and this was towards Tilikum imgaine all the other whales or orcas.

1 point

Even though people may agree but you used a poem i don't see no facts your saying "god designed those animals to be free." and you used a foul term bye saying you deserved to.... as you kept going and still not i don't see no facts towards this as you used rhymes? to state your answer.

1 point

I disagree the child will get to addicted... " 37 percent of teenagers, ages 13 to 17 have or have access to a smartphone, an increase from 37 percent in 2013." Also that 37% has increased 88% so it has increased 55% and the children would probably get to distracted and the children will have a better focus on listening then on their phones

1 point

I disagree the child will get to addicted... " 37 percent of teenagers, ages 13 to 17 have or have access to a smartphone, an increase from 37 percent in 2013." Also that 37% has increased 88% so it has increased 55% and the children would probably get to distracted and the children will have a better focus on listening then on their phones

1 point

I disagree the child will get to addicted... " 37 percent of teenagers, ages 13 to 17 have or have access to a smartphone, an increase from 37 percent in 2013." Also that 37% has increased 88% so it has increased 55% and the children would probably get to distracted and the children will have a better focus on listening then on their phones

1 point

I disagree the child will get to addicted... " 37 percent of teenagers, ages 13 to 17 have or have access to a smartphone, an increase from 37 percent in 2013." Also that 37% has increased 88% so it has increased 55% and the children would probably get to distracted..

1 point

I disagree the child will get to addicted... " 37 percent of teenagers, ages 13 to 17 have or have access to a smartphone, an increase from 37 percent in 2013." Also that 37% has increased 88% so it has increased 55% and the children would probably get to distracted..

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