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RSS Aryanna

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

Well what religion doesn't really have is tangible material. Scientific theories can't really be proved, I agree with you on that, but they can be demonstrated through logical reasoning. But yes, after all, how can we be so sure

1 point

I don't think they do actually. I think that some great scientists have worked on this, on theology and have explained the fact that they don't. Most of them were mathematicians, and theologists at the same time, the one I know most of is Blaise Pascal. He tried to write the Apologie de la foi chrétienne but could not finish it, we have les Pensées though, the "Thoughts", which are a bunch of essays he wrote before he died. He thinks men are endowed with reason, with logic, but that at some point, they're supposed to open up their heart and find God and the Truth. He thinks that those thoughts are the ones which define our humanity and that a man without a thought would be a stone or a bully.

Science is amazing and has truly questioned the existence of religion over the years, but I don't think it has the power religion can have, the divine promise of an afterlife, of happiness, of blessing. And I think that logical / illogical opposition is quite groundless.

1 point

Well if you ask a parent or a grandparent that, they'll obviously tell you that today's music is crap but the older generation will always argue that their time was better than ours.

I do not support that view.

Simply because I think good music can still be found, a lot of it actually, and just because the mass media and the entertainment industry has made it hard to believe in such a thing doesn't mean we should give up on it. Yes the mainstream kind of empty music is everywhere, on our screens, on the radio, in the internet... But there are some really good indie/rock/alternative and so on bands out there, and we just need to look for them. There is some very inspiring contemporary music out there too, composed by some of the greatest artists this world's ever seen.

1 point

If you have been closely paying attention to the news, you'd also see that it does not only have a place, it is back, as a purpose, as a foundation for human identity, as a tool to justify violence and so on.

Religion isn't only about God, or believing in God. The three monotheist religions clearly dictate a way of living, it's not only an empty belief. And just to clarify, I'm talking about the three monotheist religions because I know nothing of the other religions, not because I'm some kind of fanatic.

So after all, perhaps people want codes to define what their everyday life should be like, and just something to believe in. It must be part of our human nature to be feeling constantly alone in this world, establishing some kind of treaty with a much stronger, invisible, intangible creature would be a way to feel a bit protected by it, if we pray enough. And that feeling is intensified by the fact that we do not know where we come from, we do not know who we are, and we do not know who we are supposed to be. So some turn to holy books to tell them the right thing to do.

But this is a really hard question to answer, and I should have probably taken more time to do so.

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